This 2-week summer program introduces high school students to academic game design and eSports as potential career paths. Participants will spend the mornings learning the process of brainstorming, designing, developing and testing games before shifting their attention in the afternoons and focusing on how to participate in and manage eSports teams and competitions.
There is no denying it anymore: online gaming is here to stay. In just a few decades, online gaming has exploded to become a multi-billion-dollar industry and one of the most profitable industries on the planet. If you have an interest in online gaming, there are a variety of different careers that will allow you to make your hobby a part of your job
In this summer program presented by Quinnipiac's Game Design & Development Program, high school students will have the opportunity to learn about game design and eSports management. The program will be split into two parts: the mornings are dedicated to exploring the game design process through hands-on activities and projects and the afternoons are spent learning about the eSports industry, its potential successes and challenges and the management of teams and competitions. There is also a special focus put on discussing how to make online games and the online gaming industry inclusive to all.
2024 program dates are still being finalized.
Program Costs
Option 1: 2-week program, plus full room & board (overnight) $3,360
Option 2: 2-week program, Monday-Friday, on-campus program (commuter), lunch: $2,400
Both options include:
- Two weeks of faculty-designed programming, delivered on-campus with educational support staff and program materials
- All technology and software support
- Quinnipiac T-shirt
- Certificate of completion
- Special Quinnipiac Admissions events
Partial financial support may be available for those who indicate the need for support in their application. Financial support awards are based on a combination of need and merit.