Are you a motivated student interested in earning college credit but unable to be in Boston this summer? Then High School Honors Online could be the right fit for you!
As a rising junior or senior, you can take up to two courses and earn college credit from Boston University—right from your own computer. Learn from distinguished BU instructors. Engage with challenging coursework. Participate in dialogue with college undergraduates and other high school students around the globe. Explore exciting subjects through online lectures, discussion boards, individual assignments, and a flexible weekly schedule.
High School Honors Online courses are an excellent option for independent learners with strong time management skills. However, keep in mind that summer courses are intensive when planning other commitments.
Through online lectures, discussion boards, and individual assignments, students explore exciting subjects at the undergraduate level. Taught by our distinguished Boston University instructors, these college courses are rigorous and rewarding, and enable students to balance learning with a flexible weekly schedule.
Online courses may run on a different schedule than the standard High School Honors schedule. Please consult the dates listed in the course description before applying to the program.
High School Honors Online Courses for summer 2024:
- Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences I
- First-Semester Chinese
- Second-Semester Chinese
- First-Semester Spanish
- Second-Semester Spanish
- Introduction to Computer Science 1
- Combinatoric Structures
- General Psychology
- Introduction to Management
- Introductory Microeconomic Analysis
- Introductory Macroeconomic Analysis
- Introduction to Law
- Introduction to Philosophy
- Principles in Sociology
- Sociology of Gender
- Super Heroes in Film
- Eating and Drinking in the Ancient World
- Introduction to Film & Media Aesthetics
- Religions of Asia
- Classic Theatre through a Contemporary Lens
- Introduction to the Hospitality Industry
For course descriptions, please click here.
Tuition & Fees
Application Fee (non-refundable): $50
Tuition (for a four-credit course): $3,180
Service Fee: $60
Limited financial aid is available to students taking 2 courses. International students are not eligible for aid.