
    Free Registration: Performing & Visual Arts Virtual Fair

    Reviews (2)

    • This trip was truly life-changing...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Sep/29/2023 by charliedeemblake1

      This trip was truly life-changing. The friends I met, the places I visited, and the experiences of living aboard a ship have forever changed what I want my future to look like and the path I am going down. From the minute I stepped on board S/Y Vela I felt welcomed and encouraged to be myself and learn as much as I could. From living in a small bunk in the fo'c'sle to the oceanography lectures, raising sails, and coming into port, I will remember every day as one of the best days of my life. To anyone who wants a program to challenge themselves, create lasting memories with lifelong friends, and in search of adventure, I cannot recommend this program enough.

    • Fantastic!
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Jan/06/2022 by tparkinson

      My experience with Seamester was remarkable. Every day brought new adventures, new challenges, and new opportunities to learn. My shipmates became my family, including the Seamester staff aboard. The staff in particular inspired me with their knowledge and enthusiasm about the ocean and sailing, and also made me feel safe and supported throughout the voyage.
      Before you embark on a Seamester voyage, consider that the experience requires work. Work to build new relationships and a positive culture aboard, work to maintain the boat, and work to meet your own personal needs. But for me that challenge motivated personal growth, shaping me into a more adaptable, thoughtful, and confident person, who better understands what she believes in. I wouldn't trade my experience for anything.