iD Tech has partnered with the world’s most prestigious institutions to create an unparalleled online learning experience for teens. With curriculum developed by elite university faculty and industry experts and live teaching from our iD Tech instructors, your teen will earn a portfolio-building tech certification.
- JavaScript Coding powered by MIT Open Learning | Teen Tech
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with NVIDIA
- AR/VR Design Certificate in Unity with NYU Tandon School of Engineering
- Build Your Business: Think It, Make It, Sell It Powered by Harvard Business Publishing
- Disruption: Breaking the Rules of Business - Powered by Harvard Business Publishing
- The Future of Cool Powered by Harvard Business Publishing: How the Arts Transcend Culture
- Build Yourself Up: #Winning Leadership Strategies Powered by Harvard Business Publishing
About the Programs:
Created in partnership with the most prestigious universities, companies, and organizations, our online academies are designed to give students a competitive edge for dream careers in fields like coding, game dev, UX design, AI, and more.
Ages: 13-19
Skill Level: Beginner-Advanced
Format: Live, online instruction
Portfolio-Boosting Certificate:
Upon successful completion of each Online Teen Academy, a certificate will be granted to participants. Criteria to receive the certificate varies by program and partner.
Exclusive Content From Elite Faculty & Industry Experts:
Online video insights and technical demos designed by real-world pros
Job-Ready Tech Skills:
All the tools your teen needs to prepare for a high-growth market
Impressive Portfolio Project:
Designed to help your teen stand out to colleges and potential employers
With 3.5 million STEM jobs predicted to go unfilled by 2025, there's never been a better time to prepare your teen for a world that demands tech literacy.