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    Thomas Jefferson School

    Thomas Jefferson School


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Day, Residential
    • Type: Private, Gifted
    • Grades Offered: 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Country: United States
    • High School Admission Test: SSAT
    • Affiliation: The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS)
    • CEEB: 263105
    • IPED: 755812
    • Application Fee: $40
    • Tuition Boarding: $64,000
    • Tuition Day: $34,500
    • Enrollment: 85
    • Percent Boarding: 37
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships
    • Location:Saint Louis, Missouri
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    Thomas Jefferson School (TJ), a co-educational, non-sectarian, independent day and boarding school located in suburban St. Louis, Missouri. We educate a purposefully diverse and deliberately sized group of academically talented students spanning grades 7 to12. 


    Thomas Jefferson School (TJ) is internationally recognized as one of the best coed boarding and day schools in the United States. We know that high-ability students thrive when they are surrounded by others who are equally enthusiastic about learning. TJ’s dynamic curriculum is designed to meet the needs of our small classes of motivated students (6:1 student teacher ratio). We offer the kind of depth, abstraction, and complexity that allow higher-level thinking and the development of critical-thinking skills. In class discussion, on the basketball court, in a newspaper staff meeting, or on the stage, TJ students apply their learning in and out of the classroom.

    Through our 360-degree college-preparatory program, our students learn to live and work alongside others from all over the world, to develop essential communication and leadership skills, and to move through the world with a sense of personal responsibility. 

    When the time comes for college, families want to know their child has been properly prepared for the challenges of a university education, in and out of the classroom. At TJ, we understand success is not accidental. We realize it requires both academic and character development.