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    Studio School: Kelsey Weinstein

    Posted July 30, 2018, 12:00 pm by TeenLife
    Studio School: Kelsey Weinstein

    Kelsey Weinstein is studying conteporary musical theater and film at Studio School in Los Angeles.

    How did you discover your passion for theater?

    I was lucky enough to be raised in a theater. I was singing and dancing as soon as I could walk and talk, and I never turned back. Coming from a musical theater family, I fell in love with the prospect of telling stories through song and dance, and after my first show at the age of 5, I knew that this was what I needed to be doing with my life. It wasn’t until my first year at Studio School that I discovered the world of film and the amazing possibilities there are in combining musical theater and film.

    What is your favorite part about performing?

    I love the way that something can shift and grow from the first rehearsal to closing night, or from the first table read to the screening. Art is always changing and always developing.

    What is the hardest part about performing?

    Whether I’m onstage, in the writer’s room or in the recording studio, I am a perfectionist. I have a tendency to expect my best work at all times, but I have learned that there is no such thing as perfection when it comes to art.

    Why did you pick Studio School?

    Studio School is the only college that I found with a BFA program in Contemporary Musical Theatre and Film. I have been able to have incredible opportunities, from filming an original movie musical, performing in staged readings, and producing, directing and starring in a musical by my junior year, and being able to create my own content. These are things I know I would never be able to find anywhere else, and they’ve all been so accessible to me as a student here.

    What has been your favorite part of Studio School?

    Being a smaller school, my class sizes are small as well. This means that my classes are extremely catered to the students in them. We are lucky enough that all of our faculty is still working in the industry, and so all of the knowledge that they pass on to us is current and relevant.

    How do you think this program will help you in what you want to do next?

    I have learned more about the musical theater and film industries in my first two years at Studio School than I could have ever imagined. Every day I am reminded why I love what I do. I have been given not only the tools but the opportunity to get out into the real world and apply what I’ve learned.

    Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

    Ten years from now I hope to have a steady career in the musical theatre and film industries either in Los Angeles or New York. A couple of the goals on the top of my list are to be in a movie musical and to originate a role on Broadway. I also hope to see some of my original work succeed and find its place in this industry.

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