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    Student Testimonial: The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts

    Posted May 24, 2022, 4:00 pm by TeenLife

    Haiven Sellers - The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA)

    Why Did You Choose to Attend LIPA and Choose this Major?

    I chose to study BA (Hons) Music (Songwriting and Performance) at LIPA because the program was unlike anything I had seen in the United States and it seemed like a great place for someone to focus on and curate their art in a collaborative setting. Plus, I’ve always wanted to study abroad in England!

    What Did You Hope to Get Out of This Program, and Did You Achieve It?

    I wanted to do a lot of music collaboration and get more experience and knowledge in singing and the music industry. I have learned a lot about music and the industry so far and have been able to collaborate with other songwriters, producers, and live bands! LIPA is a great place for working with other musicians and artists.

    Did You Have To Prepare for This Major in Any Way? If Not, Do You Wish You Had?

    I was able to study music at Interlochen Arts Academy for the last two years of high school, and that definitely prepared me to be immersed in an artistic environment that requires a lot of focus and dedication to your craft. Also, as an international student, I did a lot of research into the city and school, to make sure I was all set when I got to Liverpool. The International Team supported me in answering questions and with visa guidance, which helped a lot.

    What Is a Typical Day at LIPA Like?

    A typical day at LIPA for me consists of a couple seminars about music or songwriting and the business side of things and a band rehearsal or two. I have a one-to-one voice lesson every week, and then usually time to practice or catch up on assignments. LIPA is a place that values and encourages you to focus on your individual career goals, so you can build your schedule outside of class time to fit your needs!

    What Has Been the Most Memorable Moment of Your Time at LIPA?

    I would say doing my first live performance at LIPA with a full band. It’s so wonderful getting to meet and work with people from all over the world, and my first performance was so much fun because I was sharing the stage with my friends and getting to share the music we created together.

    What Advice Do You Have for Teens Looking for the Right College?

    Go with your gut. I was indecisive about which college to choose for most of my senior year. I knew LIPA was the right choice for me because when I found out I had been accepted, I couldn’t stop smiling and thinking about the prospect of studying there. You will know when a school is going to be the right fit for you! And most of all, trust that you will make a good decision. You’ve made it this far, be proud of yourself for that.

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