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    Brookview House- Teen Visionaries

    Brookview House- Teen Visionaries


    • Listing Type: Volunteer Opportunities
    • Category: Homelessness and Hunger
    • Volunteer Type: With Parent/Guardian
    • Minimum Age: 16
    • Location:Dorchester, Massachusetts
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    Teen Visionaries is a program that prepares youth for life and work by helping them develop a new vision for their lives. The focus is on improving academics and behavioral health.

    Teens in our program are resilient and motivated to change their lives and their communities. They are bright, caring enthusiastic young people who, when given the opportunity, show incredible ambition tempered with compassion that knows no bounds. They view their circumstance as temporary and are determined to persevere through a myriad of challenges.

    Teen Visionaries is a program that prepares youth for life and work by helping them develop a new vision for their lives. The focus is on improving academics and behavioral health. Case management links the youth and their families to schools and services. Advocacy ensures each teen receives all necessary services. The objective is to address social, emotional and cognitive factors; develop leadership and job readiness skills; and empower teens by helping them develop skills to recognize and address unhealthy behaviors and relationships.