Summer Programs

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    Wilderness Adventure: Go With The Flow


    • Listing Type: Summer Programs
    • Program Delivery: Residential
    • Destination: United States
    • Provided By: Independent Provider
    • Session Start: June, July
    • Session Length: Two Weeks
    • Entering Grade: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Gender: Coed
    • Category: Outdoor Adventure
    • Sub-Categories: Rock Climbing, Hiking, Water Sports
    • Selective: No
    • Ages: 14, 15, 16, 17
    • Minimum Cost: $3,000 - $6,999
    • Credit Awarded: No
    • Location:New Castle, Virginia
    • Last Updated:July 2024
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    Just like on all Wilderness Adventure trips, Go With The Flow is a fully outdoor experience designed for the high school aged water lover.  An introductory level of canoeing and a thirst for thrills recommended. You will camp in backpacking tents, cook backpacker style meals on Whisperlite stoves, and share the accomplishments of each day with your group and leaders by the fire each night.

    Go With The Flow begins on Base Camp with a brief but thorough introduction to your group's dynamics, Wilderness Adventure style back country camping, and a comprehensive kayak class and roll clinic. The group, comprised of up to 12 participants, 1 female leader and 1 male leader, then venture off-site to load up canoes with gear and put into the New River in Radford, VA. You'll spend the next several days paddling the class I and II rapids of this gorgeous section of river, stopping for lunch on beaches and camping out on islands.  

    This first section of river will take you through a Swift Water Rescue clinic at McCoy Falls, an exciting day of whitewater kayaking from Ripplemead to Bluff City, a quick portage over to Glen Lynn, a day of climbing at Bozoo in West Virginia, to the take-out in West Virginia. You'll then up the ante as the group travels by bus to the New River Gorge in West Virginia, an area steeped in history and full to the brim with adventure at every level.

     At the 'Gorge you will spend a day climbing at one of many world-renowned climb sites (Summersville Lake) and relish the pure joy of an adventurer's lifestyle in one of the most revered landscapes in America. Then, everything you've practiced and learned over the course of the trip will culminate when we join West Virginia rafting and kayaking guides in a thrilling day of whitewater kayaking on the Upper New River Gorge on class II and III rapids.  Then, your group will celebrate with an exhilarating rafting trip down the class IV and V rapids of the Lower New River Gorge.  

    Finally, you'll return to Base Camp, invigorated, exhausted, and inspired where you'll enjoy a Friday full of WA's traditional festivities: the 900' Zip Line, Spaghetti Dinner, Closing Campfire, and the WAlympics for all groups!

    Just like all of our trips at Wilderness Adventure we provide all of the gear needed for the trip. For Go With The Flow we provide dry bag backpacks, sleeping bags, tents, cook gear, and all of the boating gear needed. You can check out our Packing List on our website for more information about what you might need to bring to camp. For the Go With The Flow trip we would recommend a good pair of water shoes, another dry bag for keeping your gear dry, and a set of nose plugs for kayaking.