Summer Programs

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    Vienna Band Camp


    • Listing Type: Summer Programs
    • Program Delivery: Day
    • Provided By: Public School
    • Category: Performing & Visual Arts
    • Sub-Categories: Music
    • Selective: No
    • Minimum Cost: Free
    • Career Clusters: Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications
    • Credit Awarded: No
    • Location:McLean, Virginia
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    Vienna Band Camp is the largest band camp in Northern Virginia, serving over 500 students entering grades 4 through 9 each summer. It meets from 8:30am to 12:30pm Monday through Friday at McLean High School.

    BEGINNING PROGRAM: For students with no previous band experience. The beginning band students will have two full band rehearsals, a full sectional, and a class with a specialist on each student’s instrument. All beginning students should purchase a copy of STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE, Book 1, at a local music store before the beginning of camp and should report to VBC with their instrument and the book. Due to instrumentation requirements in the elementary and middle school programs and physical considerations, the parents of each beginning student should contact their local elementary or middle school band director for assistance in selecting the appropriate instrument for their child. Due to instrumental considerations, no students will be started on or switched to saxophone during the band camp.

    REGULAR PROGRAM: For students with at least one year of band experience. The class schedule will include two full band rehearsals, a full sectional rehearsal, and a class with a specialist on the student’s instrument. The band music will be supplied by the camp. However, the instrumental specialists may require students to purchase additional instructional materials.