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    Summer@Taft: Academic Enrichment for Motivated Students

    Summer@Taft: Academic Enrichment for Motivated Students CalenderRecently Updated


    • Listing Type: Summer Programs
    • Program Delivery: Day, Residential
    • Provided By: Private School
    • Session Start: June
    • Session Length: Two Weeks, Five Weeks
    • Entering Grade: 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Gender: Coed
    • Category: Academic
    • Sub-Categories: STEM, Writing, English as Second Language (ESL), Golf, Mathematics, Arts, Test Prep, Humanities, Study Skills
    • Selective: No
    • Ages: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
    • Minimum Cost: $1,500 - $2,999
    • Career Clusters: Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
    • Credit Awarded: No
    • Location:Watertown, Connecticut
    • Last Updated:November 2024
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    Summer@Taft’s academic enrichment programs seeks students in grades 7 through 11 who want to broaden their horizons and stimulate their intellectual curiosity and growth.

    From academics to test prep to a unique golf program, Summer@Taft is all about offering students choices. Whether the goal is to explore the boarding school experience or gain confidence for the upcoming school year, students can choose a course of study  that suits their personal needs and interests. Summer@Taft offers dynamic faculty, a beautiful 226-acre campus, modern facilities, a 4:1 student-to-faculty ratio, and an average class size of 10 students. Five-week and two-week boarding and day programs available as well as SAT and SSAT preparation courses. Rolling admissions. We invite you to visit our website to learn more.


    Designed for talented 7th and 8th graders who are interested in exploring the boarding school experience or taking on the challenges of rigorous public and private secondary schools, this program focuses on building essential skills, increasing independence and self-confidence, and improving time management as students look further down the road to the demands of a college preparatory program. Students choose major and minor courses, participate in daily athletics and a class in social-emotional strengthening, as well as take part in a myriad of on- and off-campus trips and activities.


    The Liberal Studies program offers motivated high school students in grades 9 to 11 the opportunity to study a variety of liberal arts courses in an independent school environment. Students will sharpen their academic and test-taking skills, increase their independence, and improve time management, as well as broaden their cultural and global awareness as they prepare for college and beyond. Students choose major and minor courses, participate in daily athletics and a class in social-emotional strengthening, as well as take part in a myriad of on- and off-campus trips and activities.

    WRITER’S LAB (2 WEEKS, U.S. Residents)

    Intensive writing opportunities for high school students who are interested in exploring different modes of writing, from analytical to creative. Students will gain a more nuanced understanding of writing techniques, rhetorical devices, and grammar as well as greater confidence in reading, thinking, and speaking critically about literature. Outside the classroom, students take part in daily athletics as well as on- and off-campus trips and activities.


    Designed for students entering grades 7 and 8, this program aims to elevate students with academic potential to the next level. Students will learn to write effective expository paragraphs with focus and clarity; develop their reading comprehension skills; and improve their time management, organizational, and study habits in preparation for high school. Outside the classroom, students take part in daily athletics as well as on- and off-campus trips and activities.


    Designed for students entering grades 8 and 9, this workshop immerses students in the fundamentals of algebraic concepts, from a review of pre-algebra foundations to the more advanced problem-solving skills at the heart of algebra. Through individualized attention and practice, students will increase their confidence in their mathematical abilities and develop the critical thinking necessary to succeed in high-school level math. Outside the classroom, students take part in daily athletics as well as on- and off-campus trips and activities.  


    Utilizing the facilities at Taft’s nearby home course, this program is designed for the competitive golfer pursuing a high school or collegiate level program. All instructors are PGA certified. Enrollment is limited to 10 students, and participation requires enrollment in one of the Summer@Taft academic programs.