Summer Programs

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    Raquette Lake Camp: Summer Camp


    • Listing Type: Summer Programs
    • Program Delivery: Day, Residential
    • Destination: United States
    • Provided By: Independent Provider
    • Session Start: June
    • Session Length: Other
    • Entering Grade: Below 6th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th
    • Gender: Coed
    • Category: Outdoor Adventure
    • Sub-Categories: Animals/Nature, Hiking, Water Sports
    • Selective: Yes
    • Ages: 12, 13, 14, 15
    • Minimum Cost: > $7,000+
    • Accreditation: American Camp Association
    • Credit Awarded: No
    • Location:Raquette Lake, New York
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    Raquette Lake’s camp program is 7 weeks long — long enough for a child to truly immerse themselves in the Raquette Lake experience. Days are broken up into a familiar rhythm of meals, activities, periods of rest, more activities, more food, and then something special and unexpected. Campers enjoy 6 days of activities in camp and one trip day. Every day is full and memorable in its own right.

    Children don’t need to go away to sleep-away camp to swim, play tennis, or make lanyards. They can stay home and do those things. They go to sleep-away camp for the friendships and those take time.

    For most children, camp is the first time they are away from their families, living with other children for an extended period of time. It takes time for children to become acclimated to bunk life and comfortable enough to start getting close to their fellow campers. Acquaintances made at a 3 or 4 week camp are fine, but it takes a 7 week camp to give a child really close friends.

    At camp, children spend most of their days running around with their bunk, participating in 5 of their daily activities together. The 6th activity is a weekly elective chosen by your child. At night we offer a variety of special activities, including campfires, socials, western night, all-camp capture the flag for boys, song and cheer competitions for the girls, and theatrical productions.

    Raquette Lake Boys Camp is a single-gender boys camp, and Raquette Lake Girls Camp is a single-gender girls camp. The camps have their own private properties on opposite sides of the lake. Boys’ Camp and Girls’ Camp come together weekly for full-camp socials and events so siblings get to see each other regularly.