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    New Rochelle Racquet Club: Tennis Summer Camps

    New Rochelle Racquet Club: Tennis Summer Camps


    • Listing Type: Summer Programs
    • Program Delivery: Day
    • Destination: United States
    • Provided By: Independent Provider
    • Session Start: June, July, August
    • Session Length: One Week
    • Entering Grade: Below 6th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th
    • Gender: Coed
    • Category: Sports
    • Sub-Categories: Tennis
    • Selective: No
    • Ages: 12, 13, 14, 15
    • Minimum Cost: <$500
    • Credit Awarded: No
    • Location:New Rochelle, New York
    • Last Updated:July 2024
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    New Rochelle Racquet Club (NRRC) will once again be offering air conditioned tennis camp. Whether you are just starting out and would like to try red ball or are a seasoned camp pro and would like to experience tournament training camp, we have a camp that will fit your skill level. All camps are grouped according to age and skill to make sure everyone gets the best experience.

    Each camp session will run Monday through Friday, and be 2 hours long.  We are offering the camp sessions 9-11am, 11-1pm, and 2:30-4:30pm.  You are welcome to sign up for as many sessions as you’d like.  If campers stay during the 1-2:30pm break they are welcome to stay in a designated space to relax and enjoy some lunch.

    We offer three camp options depending on age and skill level.

    Ten and Under Camp
    (Red Ball), Ages 7-15

    This camp incorporates a progressive approach to children’s tennis based upon the USTA’s proven format. Modified courts and equipment (36-foot court with smaller tennis nets) assist children in building confidence in their game, allowing them to begin to rally more quickly and play points. We work on balance, coordination, movement and, most importantly, LOTS OF FUN! Each camp week is filled with lots of great engaging activities, including Director’s stroke-of-the-day demos, instructional classes/drills, point play, and weekly fitness.

    Junior Development Camp
    (Orange, Green and Yellow Ball), Ages 10-15

    Our JD camp is for the low to intermediate player. Orange (60-foot court), Green (to develop consistency in order to construct a point) and Yellow balls will be used based on the camper’s level. The JD Camp will include challenging drills and fun-filled tennis games designed to teach and help players appreciate the sport of a lifetime! JD camp highlights include the Director’s demo stroke of the day, team color war, target hits, team competitions (Davis Cup and Federation Cup), point play, “Around the World,” and TTP preparation.

    Tournament Training Player Camp
    Ages 10-15

    For the more advanced tournament player, our TTP camp focuses on strategy training that will help develop and sharpen on-court tactics through simulated match situations, and on-court problem solving and decision making. We will prepare the campers for “match play pressure” to better understand competition and performance. It’s all about hard work, willingness, and focus!