The Jackson Lab program provides students an opportunity to conduct biomedical research independently under the expert tutelage of world-renowned scientists. Receive a stipend while experiencing real science and research. Live in a mansion by the sea, climb Mount Katahdin and hike through Acadia National Park.
The Summer Student Program is designed to help students understand the nature of research science. The emphasis of this program is on methods of discovery and communication of knowledge, not the mastery of established facts.
Independent research
Under the guidance of a mentor, students integrate into an ongoing research program, develop an independent project, implement their plan, analyze the data and report their results. At the end of the summer, students present their findings to researchers, peers and parents.
Dynamic students
Each year, the program consists of about 45 students from around the United States, from both high school and undergraduate institutions. Their varied interests and backgrounds create a lively, well-rounded atmosphere.
Two campuses
The Summer Student Program is available at The Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, Maine) and the Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine (Farmington, Conn.). Both campuses are unique and offer access to a variety of extracurricular activities. Students in Farmington have access to Boston and New York; students in Bar Harbor work adjacent to Acadia National Park.