Summer Programs

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    GrubStreet Summer Writing Classes

    GrubStreet Summer Writing Classes


    • Listing Type: Summer Programs
    • Program Delivery: Online
    • Provided By: Independent Provider
    • Session Start: June, July, August
    • Session Length: One Week
    • Gender: Coed
    • Category: Academic
    • Sub-Categories: Journalism, Writing, Arts
    • Selective: No
    • Ages: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
    • Career Clusters: Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications
    • Credit Awarded: No
    • Call: 617.695.0075
    • Location:Boston, Massachusetts
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    Are you a teen who likes to write stories, poems, lyrics, novels, or screenplays? Then get involved in GrubStreet’s Young Adult Writers Program (YAWP)!

    GrubStreet's Teen Summer Writing Classes give writers aged 13 - 18 the opportunity to explore all different types of genres, topics, and styles of creative writing in the company of other teens who love words – written or spoken.

    Our week-long classes take place Mondays through Fridays from 10:30 - 3:30pm in-person at our beautiful new center for creative writing and online via Zoom, so you can join the YAWP summer experience however you want.

    Our instructors are published authors and/or performers who’ve been recognized with fellowships, residencies, and awards across the state, region, and nation. They gather at GrubStreet to teach in a community that celebrates and supports writers of all ages and experience levels. 

    Whether you’re seeking to express yourself or you want to get published, come write with us. You can take one class or join us for multiple classes over the course of the summer. Take a look below to see all of our teen summer classes. As always, scholarships are available for every single class below and are super easy to apply for.

    June 27th through July 1st, 10:30am-3:30pm ET

    June Week of Creative Writing with Olivia Kate Cerrone (In-Person: Seaport)

    Looking Underneath the Underneath: A Found Poetry Workshop with Crystal Valentine (In-Person: Seaport)

    Fanfiction to Fan-worthy Fiction with Sara Daniele Rivera (Online: Zoom)


    July 5th through 8th, 10:30am-3:30pm ET

    Flash Point with Kristen Paulson-Nguyen (Online: Zoom)

    July Week of Creative Writing (A) with Meghan Lamb (Online: Zoom)


    July 11th through 15th, 10:30am-3:30pm ET

    Disrupt the Present: Activist Writing for Teens with Kayla Degala-Paraíso (Online: Zoom)

    July Week of Creative Writing (B) with Sara Daniele Rivera (Online: Zoom)


    July 18th through July 22nd, 10:30am-3:30pm ET

    Writing Comics and Graphic Novels with Asata Radcliffe (registration link coming soon) (Online: Zoom)

    Heroes & Villains in Fiction with Timothy Weed (Online: Zoom)


    July 25th through 29th, 10:30am-3:30pm ET

    July Week of Creative Writing (C) with Stephanie Brownell (Online: Zoom)

    Redefining the Rules: Experimental Writing with Kayla Degala-Paraíso (Online: Zoom)


    August 1st through August 5th, 10:30am-3:30pm ET

    A Week of Science Fiction and Fantasy with Stephanie Brownell (In-Person: Seaport)

    Beginning Playwriting with Kira Rockwell (In-Person: Seaport)

    August Week of Creative Writing (A) with Otto Vock (Online: Zoom)

    Plot: The Engine that Drives Your Story (Immersive) with Katie Bayerl (Online: Zoom)


    August 8th through August 12th, 10:30am-3:30pm ET

    A Week of Short Stories (Immersive) with Olivia Kate Cerrone (In-Person: Seaport)

    A Week of Horror! with Peter Medeiros (In-Person: Seaport)

    Re-Vision, Seeing Again: Polishing as Play with Sara Daniele Rivera (Online: Zoom)

    Reclaiming Stories with Nancy Agabian (Online: Zoom)

    A Week of Poetry (Immersive) with Crystal Valentine (Online: Zoom)


    August 15th through August 19th, 10:30am-3:30pm ET

    Writers in Performance with Kira Rockwell (In-Person: Seaport)

    August Week of Creative Writing (B) with Peter Medeiros (In-Person: Seaport)

    So You Finished Writing Something…Now What? Final Revisions and Submitting (Section 1) with Kayla Degala-Paraíso (Online: Zoom)

    So You Finished Writing Something…Now What? Final Revisions and Submitting (Section 2) with Kayla Degala-Paraíso (Online: Zoom)