
    Explore Our 2024 Guide to Gap Year Programs!

    Reviews (11)

    • Global Routes provided one of...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Aug/16/2023 by rdhostos06

      Global Routes provided one of the most life changing summers of my life. I left Ecuador with a greater understanding of what makes a place a home and with an urge to learn more about the world. I never realized how much I love traveling until I got this opportunity and I'd 100% do it all over again!

    • What a trip Global Routes...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Aug/14/2023 by andrew-cruz0430

      What a trip! Global Routes guided me through 28 days of Ecuador and the Amazon and I cannot stress enough how much fun I had! Shoutout to my leaders and the people in my group! My trip is unforgettable <3

    • My trip to Ecuador was...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Aug/09/2023 by Amirah Ramnarain

      My trip to Ecuador was an amazing experience. I learnt alot from the locals and also my peers. We were fortunate to learnt about the culture, music, instruments, history etc. My host family were the best.

    • I LOVE Global Routes
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Nov/04/2021 by ainslie.leitao

      I'm so grateful to have gone on two Global Routes programs: Costa Rica (2020) and Hawaii (2021)!!! Both I trips I felt challenged, supported, and cared for by the leaders. This led to so many rewarding feelings I will never forget. I made connections with people I know with life a lifetime. Without GR and these programs, I would not be the person I am today. I have learned so much about myself and what kind of traveller I want to be, and how I am trying to be a better person. These programs taught me kindness, appreciation, and the importance of simplicity in life. I would recommend a GR program to anyone who loves adventure, is looking to open their eyes and heart to the world, and is searching for more.

    • Summer in Tanzania
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Oct/10/2019 by Nolan

      I chose Global Routes because my mom used to be a leader with the organization so I knew that it was a good option that was safe and provides a very good experience. Global Routes was the hardest thing I have ever done. It was also by far the best thing I've ever done. It taught me a lot about myself and helped me work through some problems; I have since been able to work a lot of what I learned into my life which is really nice. It was also so much fun and an absolutely amazing experience in every aspect. I loved everything we did such as safaris, working on the work-site, and living in a homestay. I also loved all the people on the trip; everyone was so welcoming and nice and it was really easy to fit right in. My leaders, Avy and Mary, were absolutely amazing. They exceeded all of my expectations that I came in with. They were always their when I needed them and were splendid in all aspects. Overall, I have no regrets about going on the trip to Tanzania because it has brought me only good things and I loved every minute of it.

    • do the trip
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Jul/22/2019 by amo

      The summer I did this trip was one of the best summers of my life. This trip as influence me in so many ways. I have made so many life long friends, tried new things, and learned so much while on the trip. Getting to immerse in a new culture and really become part of a community was life changing.

      One big thing on this trip was the chance to create our own summer camp and work with children. As someone who wishes to go into education this experience was extremely valuable. Running the camp taught me how to work in a group and how to communicate better with others.

      Parents and students should take this trip as an opportunity to grow as a person. The Global Routes programs give students the awesome and unique opportunities to really experience a new culture and become part of the community.

      My future advice for anyone thinking about joining a Global Routes trip is take advantage of this experience, immerse the culture and community. The Global Routes programs give students the awesome and unique opportunities to really experience a new culture and become part of the community.

    • Tanzania Trip
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      Reviewed on Mar/25/2019 by ct

      This trip has been the most meaningful and impactful experience of my life. Not only was I able to fully immerse myself in the culture and lifestyle of Tanzania, I was able to bond with my peers and discover new things about myself that I hadn't seen before. Mary and Adam were the best trip leaders I could have asked for; they were with us every step of the way, constantly checking up on us and making all kinds of accommodations for us. I feel confident that I will be able to walk away from this trip with a full heart and open mind, as well as be able to incorporate some of my takeaways from the trip into my daily life.

    • Tanzania Service Trip
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Mar/22/2019 by kc

      My Global Routes experience was something I will never forget. I learned more than I ever thought possible. It was definitely a challenge but it for sure shaped me to become a better person. Our trip had 3 different phases, first the cultural orientation, the homestay and service project, then an incredible 3 day safari. Our cultural orientation was at the United African Alliance Community Center in Arusha. We learned a few things that would be super useful at the homestay, as well as bond, try some Tanzanian food, learn a bit of Swahili, and grow an appreciation for the welcoming Tanzanians. Our leaders, Adam and Mary, were clearly very experienced in these situations. They made me feel very welcomed and payed attention to me. I had gotten pretty sick on the airplane on the way there, and they made sure that every activity I was doing I was good with and was feeling better. The homestay and worksite was just an indescribable experience, I seriously do not know how to put it into words. It was just so surreal and educational. I had to kept reminding myself that that was their everyday life. I learned how to cook in the dark and with one flame, clean clothes with 2 buckets, use a squatty potty, and my personal favorite, the bucket bath. The building of the classroom was another unforgettable thing. Seeing the joy in the children and the fundis who helped us build the school was so heartwarming. Definitely challenging but super worth it. The safari was just crazy. It felt like a Disney ride. By the end of this trip, we were all one big happy and loving family. We have a very special bond. Asante sana Global Routes for this opportunity. If you are reading this, go on a Global Routes trip. You will not regret it.

    • Global Routes - Tanzania
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      Reviewed on Mar/21/2019 by avery

      This Global Routes trip was the best 2 weeks of my life! Although challenging at times, every moment was truly life changing. I created a new family with my fellow travelers, and the Tanzanians! It was a great experience in which I furthered my global mindfulness and gained a sense of community and family with all of the people I was with throughout the trip. My fellow travelers and I have become friends for life and I will never forget the warm smiles of all the Tanzanians. The trip was amazing and I would do it again in a heartbeat. None of it would have been possible without Global Routes. I truly recommend a Global Routes trip to anyone who wishes to touch others lives while becoming closer with the ones they travel with. If you have any doubts about going on a trip like this, I can assure you that Global Routes leaders offered tremendous amounts of support throughout the trip and they will not let you down.

    • Unforgettable and Invaluable Experiences
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      Reviewed on Mar/20/2018 by Emma

      I've been on two Global Routes programs (Nepal and St. Vincent) and I feel so incredibly lucky to have had these experiences. Global Routes gave me the tools to be a strong leader and compassionate friend. The programs facilitate profound self-exploration and extraordinary adventures-and of course are a lot of fun. The leaders of the trips were the best I could ask for-super friendly, interesting, responsible, and inspiring-and I met so many wonderful people whom I will be friends with for years to come. Even years later I recall these experiences frequently, remembering moments from each trip when I was inspired and challenged to grow, or when I laughed to the point of tears. Global Routes broadened my perspective and gave me a strong sense of global awareness that continues to influence the choices I make and paths I take.

    • Making the decision to go...
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      Reviewed on Dec/08/2014 by Jolene

      Making the decision to go to a foreign country for a whole month with a group of people I had never met was not easy. However, looking back on my experience in Costa Rica with Global Routes, it was easily one of the best decisions I have ever made. My experience has affected me so profoundly that I've had trouble describing it in a way that others will understand, but what I can say is that Global Routes provided the perfect environment for personal development. Opportunities to reflect upon my strengths and weaknesses seemed to naturally present themselves throughout the duration of the trip, and by the end I felt that I had a deeper understanding of myself than ever before. I feel as though the group I was a part of could have been anywhere in the world and had just as meaningful of an experience. That being said, Costa Rica was absolutely beautiful and there is no other place I would have rather been, and the connections we all made with the locals we encountered were truly precious (and for me personally, completely unexpected). Also, the bond among the members of my group was the strongest I've ever witnessed in such a setting. Working daily on the construction of a communal kitchen for San Antonio, the community we stayed in for the majority of the trip, taught us about the value of working hard and as a team, and also gave us the opportunity to connect with those who welcomed us into their homes. Before arriving to Costa Rica, I expected my role to be one of giving, but there turned out to be just as much receiving on my part. Overall, I found there to be a perfect balance of fun--in the waterfall rappel, daily soccer games with the community, zip lining, surf lessons, white water rafting, and group bonding in general--and growth--in the responsible risks we were encouraged to take, the adjustment required to live in such a new setting, the roles of leadership we frequently took on, and the beautiful cultural exchange that occurred. If I had to pick a favorite part of the trip, it would be the home stay, although the time spent in the rainforest and at the beach was spectacular as well. I would highly recommend going to Costa Rica with Global Routes - I would definitely do it again if given the opportunity!