Our free virtual 2-week summer immersion program teaches the computer science skills that students need to make an impact in their community while preparing for a career in tech. Participants will get exposure to tech jobs, meet women in tech careers, and join a supportive sisterhood. All high school students who identify as girls or non-binary can apply, no prior computer science experience is required.
Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program is a FREE 2-week virtual program for girls currently in 9th through 11th grade. Students attend live, virtual classes sponsored by industry-leading companies like MetLife, Bank of America, and Accenture. SIP students will get an introduction to the tech industry while exploring other topics which may include Game Design, beginner to intermediate CS concepts, the iterative design process, and UX design basics, and more!
Current 9th, 10th and 11th grade girls and non-binary students and eligible alumni are eligible to attend. This is ideal for girls with little to no computer science experience. A $300 needs-based grant provided (for eligible students in the United States)'