Summer Programs

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    Allens Lane Art Center: Summer Art Camp


    • Listing Type: Summer Programs
    • Program Delivery: Day
    • Destination: United States
    • Provided By: Independent Provider
    • Session Start: June, July, August
    • Session Length: One Week, Four Weeks, Two Months
    • Entering Grade: Below 6th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th
    • Gender: Coed
    • Category: Performing & Visual Arts
    • Sub-Categories: Multi-Arts, Arts, Painting & Drawing
    • Selective: No
    • Ages: 12, 13, 14, 15
    • Minimum Cost: <$500
    • Career Clusters: Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications
    • Credit Awarded: No
    • Location:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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    Allens Lane Art Center Summer Art Camp is an interactive and fun experience for campers aged 5-15. Following our mission of making the arts accessible to our entire community Campers experience a variety of creative outlets (drawing, painting, set design and construction, acting, vocal coaching, ceramics and more!) as well as outdoor sports and play activities in a clean and safe environment.

    The camp employs sports specialists as well as professional artists and art teachers to help our campers in the numerous activities we offer. We believe that it is just as important to exercise the mind as it is the body (especially during the summer) so we make sure to take advantage of our unique campus in the middle of Fairmount Park.

    Each week campers spend time in our art studios, dance studios and theater as they learn from our team of well qualified professionals as well as spend time outside enjoying our open fields, playgrounds, tennis and basketball courts. Additionally, campers are taken on weekly field trips to area arts and cultural institutions as well as weekly swimming sessions (Roxborough Y).

    Each Friday afternoon, your child will have a chance to showcase what they learned that week and show off their artwork in our studios and gallery. We've also got our own YouTube channel that lets parents see what fun and activities our kids are up to. Campers bring their own lunch (we do not refrigerate). Snacks are provided during PM extended hours.