Service Providers

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    The College Advisor of New England, Inc.


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: Independent Educational Consultant
    • Affiliations: Independent Educational Consultant Association (IECA)
    • Accreditation: IECA Professional Member
    • Location:East Longmeadow, Massachusetts
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    The College Advisor of New England began as a full-time counseling service in 1994. Our counselors have an average of 18 years experience in higher education counseling, college admissions and financial aid.

    We have made more than 550 personal visits to colleges and universities across the country, conducting in-depth explorations, and critiques to bring our client families first-hand insights into a broad range of schools. In addition, we can identify strategies and help implement some great opportunities most people do not even know exist.

    Our approach is to help students discover and understand what they want from their college experience, develop their voices, broaden their perspectives, and find the right fit. At the same time, we help parents to understand and be effective in their role. This takes a great deal of anxiety out of the process and helps the college search become more of an adventure and less of a headache.