Service Providers

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    Shropshire Educational Consulting


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: Independent Educational Consultant
    • Sub-Categories: College Advisor, Secondary School Advisor
    • Affiliations: Independent Educational Consultant Association (IECA)
    • Service Delivery: In-Person
    • Accreditation: IECA Professional Member
    • Location:Lexington, Kentucky
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    In keeping with Shropshire Educational Consultings proven record of serving the best interest of each individual, each student receives personal, customized attention as he or she applies to boarding school or college.

    We share our knowledge through two college advising paths, allowing families to choose the one that suits their needs best. Core College Advising is ideal for students and families looking for expert college selection guidance within a relatively contained advising relationship. Comprehensive College Advising service offers extensive guidance throughout the search and application process, and is ideal for a limited number of students and families who seek an expert partner for the entire journey.

    Our boarding school advising serves students with a wide range of ability levels and interests. We guide students toward schools offering a challenge appropriate to their level. We can identify boarding schools that offer near college-level experiences for students who are accomplished and eager for challenges. We can also identify great matches for students not yet achieving their potential. Many boarding schools offer significant academic support and structure that benefits students who are ready and willing to respond in a new environment.