Service Providers

    March 6 – Attend our FREE Gap Programs Virtual Fair!

    Portfolio College Counseling

    Portfolio College Counseling


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: Independent Educational Consultant
    • Sub-Categories: College Advisor, Gap Year Advisor, Parenting Advisor, Summer Program Advisor, Career Advisor
    • Affiliations: Independent Educational Consultant Association (IECA), Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA)
    • Service Delivery: Online
    • Accreditation: IECA Professional Member
    • Location:Virtual
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    Portfolio College Counseling offers comprehensive college counseling services, specializing in providing young visual artists and designers with practical info and creative mentorship to help them develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to enter college programs.

    Welcome to Portfolio College Counseling. If you’re a visual thinker, willing to push the boundaries of your own work and curious about your options for college, we want to hear from you!

    Portfolio College Counseling is a personalized educational consulting service. We advise U.S. and international students seeking to advance their education in creative fields. Our expert academic, art, and design college counseling can help you discover the best undergraduate or graduate programs. We will also guide you in developing and executing a college application plan, while teaching you to showcase your accomplishments and abilities. We provide skilled guidance throughout the college planning and application process.