Specializing in helping families to find an appropriate boarding school, including Junior Boarding and PG Programs. Also able to help your family if your child is having issues with alcohol, drugs, or is struggling in school for some other reason.
Available to families 24/7 to help find a suitable placement whether a wilderness program, therapeutic boarding school, or residential treatment center is needed. Will take overseas clients.
Listing Type:Service Providers
Category:Independent Educational Consultant
Sub-Categories:Secondary School Advisor
Affiliations:Independent Educational Consultant Association (IECA)
Specializing in helping families to find an appropriate boarding school, including Junior Boarding and PG Programs. Also able to help your family if your child is having issues with alcohol, drugs, or is struggling in school for some other reason.
Available to families 24/7 to help find a suitable placement whether a wilderness program, therapeutic boarding school, or residential treatment center is needed. Will take overseas clients.
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