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    University Prep


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Day
    • Type: Private
    • Grades Offered: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Country: United States
    • High School Admission Test: SSAT, ISEE
    • CEEB: 481169
    • IPED: 1462315
    • Application Fee: $60
    • Tuition Day: $43,950
    • Enrollment: 660
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships
    • Location:Seattle, Washington
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    University Prep is committed to developing each student's potential to become an intellectually courageous, socially responsible citizen of the world.University Prep will be the school that redefines educational excellence, in a community where all learners develop the skills, knowledge, and character to thrive in any context.






    University Prep was founded thirty seven years ago by seven public school teachers who believed that the very best qualities of public and independent education could be incorporated into a school that would grow to become unparalleled in academic excellence and have a genuine sense of community and purpose. The Founders vision led to University Prep as it is today: a place of great teaching and joyful learning; a community that joins together to raise up our children to be caring and productive adults; a place where all students and families have equitable access to all the school has to offer, and a place where every family and student feels equally enfranchised and at home.