Private Schools

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    The Stony Brook School


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Day, Residential
    • Type: Religious, Private
    • Grades Offered: 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Country: United States
    • High School Admission Test: SSAT, ISEE, Not Required
    • CEEB: 335420
    • IPED: 939006
    • Application Fee: $100
    • Tuition Boarding: $63,900
    • Tuition Day: $34,800
    • Enrollment: 453
    • Percent Boarding: 50
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships
    • Location:Stony Brook, New York
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    The Stony Brook School is a Christian, co-ed, college preparatoy boarding and day school 7th to 12th grade students.


    For over 90 years, The Stony Brook School has been putting character before career. This is another way of acknowledging that we are human beings—and not human doings. We recognize that career is important; our graduates regularly gain acceptance to the most selective colleges and universities in the world, and they are significantly impacting their communities through their giftedness. That said, we believe that our achievements only speak to one facet of who we are.

    The Stony Brook education is designed to help students flourish, which means to be in a period of highest productivity, excellence, or influence. We believe this flourishing comes through careful attention to character, which a wise person once defined as who you are when no one is looking. At The Stony Brook School, we are not afraid to ask our students big questions: Who are you? What do you care about most? What is your purpose in this world? We believe the answers to these questions help shape character and give students the confidence to become all that they were designed to be.