Private Schools

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    The Mountain School Program of Milton Academy


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Residential
    • Type: Semester
    • Grades Offered: 10th, 11th
    • Country: United States
    • Affiliation: Semester Schools Network
    • CEEB: 460464
    • Tuition Boarding: $36,975
    • Enrollment: 45
    • Percent Boarding: 100
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships
    • Location:Vershire, Vermont
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    The Mountain School is a culture of collaborative thinking among students, and between students and faculty. Many teachers have been at the Mountain School for a decade or longer and all have extensive experience working with teenagers. Our students are guided by talented teachers who care.


    The Mountain School cultivates a diverse and interdependent community of scholars who learn to know a place and take care of it. Through collaborative learning and shared work, students emerge from their semester prepared to reach beyond the self and focus on the common good.

    Each semester 45 motivated high school juniors from all over the country come together to live and work on the schools farm in rural Vermont. Students and faculty build together a semester based on trust and an appreciation of difference, creating an academic and work-based community in which every voice matters. While living with teachers in small houses, students help to make important decisions concerning how we live together. Courses provide a demanding, integrated learning experience that takes advantage of the school's small size and mountain campus. Balancing intellectual inquiry and experiential learning, the curriculum challenges students to think flexibly, speak their minds, and return to their schools equipped for continued academic success. Engagement with the farm and forest sparks an appreciation for their food, their fuel and their labor. Admission is selective.