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    Thayer Academy


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Day
    • Type: Private
    • Grades Offered: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Country: United States
    • High School Admission Test: SSAT, ISEE
    • CEEB: 220425
    • IPED: 603315
    • Application Fee: $60
    • Tuition Day: $59,390
    • Enrollment: 732
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships
    • Location:Braintree, Massachusetts
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    Thayer offers a rich and challenging curriculum; world-class programs for athletes and artists of all abilities; and an array of meaningful leadership, travel, and service opportunities. However, what truly distinguishes a Thayer education are the trusting and meaningful relationships between faculty and students and the spirit of collaboration among our students. T


    Thayer students are introduced and connected to a wealth of people, ideas, experiences, and opportunities both on and beyond our campus. Our supportive community fosters a sense of belonging, joy, and trust that enables our students to dare to be bold and creative thinkers who can more fully take advantage of the best of Thayer’s traditions and our forward-thinking curriculum and programs. And our commitment in principle and practice to the dignity of all and to the common good empowers our students to become young leaders of purpose, empathy, and character. This is what Thayer stands for.