Private Schools

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    St. Andrew’s School


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Residential
    • Type: Religious, Private
    • Grades Offered: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Country: United States
    • High School Admission Test: SSAT, ISEE
    • Affiliation: The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS)
    • CEEB: 80095
    • IPED: 249737
    • Tuition Boarding: $66,400
    • Enrollment: 320
    • Percent Boarding: 100
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships
    • Location:Middletown, Delaware
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    St. Andrew's will provide you with the opportunity to live with and learn from a bright, energetic, diverse faculty who have chosen to teach here because of the strong connections and relationships they create with students.

    We continue to cultivate in our students a deep and lasting desire for learning; a willingness to ask questions and pursue skeptical, independent inquiry; and an appreciation of the liberal arts as a source of wisdom, perspective and hope. We encourage our students to model their own work on that of practicing scholars, artists and scientists and to develop those expressive and analytical skills necessary for meaningful lives as engaged citizens. We seek to inspire in them a commitment to justice and peace.

    Our students and faculty live in a residential community founded on ethical principles and Christian beliefs. Our students collaborate with dynamic adults and pursue their passions in a co-curriculum that includes athletics, community service and the arts. We encourage our students to find the balance between living in and contributing to the community and developing themselves as leaders and individuals.