High Mowing School is a Waldorf high school for boarding and day students, where talented and experienced teachers draw on the wisdom of Waldorf education, and nurture the interests of todays young people.
We offer an experiential and vigorous program of arts-infused academics within a small and friendly school community, where young people and adults have the opportunity to form authentic and meaningful relationships. We provide a complete program of humanities, math, science, world languages, fine, practical and performing arts, diverse movement education and individual interest electives all immersed in and surrounded by nature.
For all members of our community, we value:
- Imagination and creativity
- Learning through multiple intelligences
- Joy, freedom and self-direction
- Meaningful work that challenges and inspires
- Balance in work, play and life
- Excellence in academics
- Mastery through practice
- Innovation and tradition
- Social justice and environmental sustainability
- Healthy, local and organically grown food
- A safe, welcoming and diverse school community
- A friendly and supportive social environment
- The celebration of the uniqueness in each Individual
- Deep, authentic and lasting relationships
- Individual and collective responsibility
- Kindness and compassion