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    Granite Hill School


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Day
    • Type: Private, Special Needs
    • Grades Offered: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Country: United States
    • CEEB: 300462
    • Tuition Day: $43,562
    • Enrollment: 40
    • Special Needs Served: Other, Learning Differences, Therapeutic, Autism Spectrum, Other Developmental Disability
    • Location:Newport, New Hampshire
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    Granite Hill School is a small private school approved by the Department of Education to offer Special Education services to students in grades 6 – 12.

    The typical applicant to Granite Hill School is one who has struggled with a public school setting. In general, students at Granite Hill School are coded for special education and have been diagnosed with a Learning Disability, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, or ADD/ADHD as a primary diagnosis. Students may also have a secondary DSM-IV Axis I diagnosis that could include Asperger's Syndrome, Anxiety Disorders, Mild to Moderate Depression. Granite Hill School is structured around giving each student the individual attention he needs to succeed. The result is an environment that extends beyond the definition of "school" it is better characterized as a true community.

    At Granite Hill School, we believe that educational success depends largely on the development of social skills, personal responsibility, social problem solving and the desire to better ones self. Without social skills, students cannot participate in the educational process in a meaningful way. Our model is not deficit basedin other words, we do not view the student as disabled or emotionally troubled. Instead, we use a contextual model (or, as some call it, a Strength-based model), creating an environment whose social context is right for individual prosperity and student success.

    Future success also depends largely on an ability to interact successfully in a wide variety of social situations. Thus, the development of pro-social skills and social problem solving skills are an essential cornerstone of our educational philosophy. Likewise, educational and life success is highly dependent on the content of ones character.

    At Granite Hill School, we strive to develop the R.I.G.H.T. character for each student we serve. The elements of a R.I.G.H.T. character are:

    • Respect: Treating all others with patience, understanding, and honor
    • Integrity: Acting in a manner that is responsible and accepting of responsibility
    • Good Citizenship: Acting in a manner that promotes the common good
    • Honesty: Truthfullness in word and deed
    • Tolerance: Recognize and respect the differences between you and others