Private Schools

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    Cedarhurst School


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Day
    • Type: Therapeutic
    • Grades Offered: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Country: United States
    • CEEB: 70470
    • IPED: 233884
    • Tuition Day: $25,239
    • Enrollment: 45
    • Special Needs Served: Therapeutic
    • Location:Hamden, Connecticut
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    Cedarhurst School is a private therapeutic junior and senior high school, serving grades 6-12, operated by Yale University. It offers a structured and supportive learning environment for students identified as ED and OHI.

    The mission of the Cedarhurst School is to provide a safe and supportive learning environment in which adolescents can achieve success. The goal of the mission is to integrate education and therapeutic interventions to assist in the emotional and social growth necessary to transition back to the home school district, graduate from high school, attend college or obtain gainful employment and become productive, caring members of the community.

    Two types of classroom settings are available to students at Cedarhurst. Our mainstream program most closely emulates a regular high school setting. Students move from class to class for different subjects with different teachers over the course of periods in the day. The self-contained program is available for those students who need more intensive academic and behavioral supports. There is a teacher’s assistant available in the self-contained classrooms and in both settings the class size is small. The curriculum is designed using the Connecticut Core Standards and meets with state approval. Our staff communicates regularly with personnel from referring districts to ensure the appropriate credits are received to meet graduation requirements.