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    Camden Military Academy


    • Listing Type: Private Schools
    • Residency: Residential
    • Type: Private, Military
    • Grades Offered: 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Country: United States
    • CEEB: 410285
    • IPED: 1263422
    • Application Fee: $100
    • Tuition Boarding: $27,995
    • Enrollment: 300
    • Percent Boarding: 100
    • Financial Aid: Loans, Payment Terms
    • Location:Camden, South Carolina
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    Camden Military Academy's mission, first articulated by Colonel James F. Risher, headmaster of Carlisle Military School and founder of Camden Military Academy, is to accept young men of unfulfilled promise and lead them to a future of success.


    Cadets learn to practice the concepts of honor, integrity, and duty as they grow in their everyday lives on campus. They learn to accept responsibility for their successes and failures in the classroom, on the athletic fields, and in their military roles. Cadets are encouraged to develop their own individual strengths and talents while at the same time to respect the rights of others. The school's philosophy is to develop the "whole man" to the end that he is prepared not only academically, but also emotionally, physically, and morally, to face the trials and meet the opportunities that will be his after he leaves Camden Military Academy.