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    Volunteer in Peru with A Broader View Volunteers

    Volunteer in Peru with A Broader View Volunteers


    • Listing Type: Gap Year Programs
    • Program Delivery: Residential
    • Destinations: Peru
    • Credit Awarded: High School, College
    • Program Length: One Week, Two Weeks, Six Weeks, Four Weeks, Two Months, Quarter, Three Weeks, Five Weeks
    • Start Month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
    • Category: Community Service
    • Selective: No
    • Gender: Coed
    • Ages: 16, 17, 18, 19+, 19
    • Housing: Homestay
    • Financial Aid: Other, Payment Terms
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    Our programs allow you to take part in meaningful community service work, while discovering the people, sights, sounds, and tastes of Peru. Volunteering in Peru is a way to totally immerse yourself in a new culture. Volunteer placements are based in the Inca city of Cusco, Peru. Choose from 7 programs available.

    Volunteer Opportunities in Cusco
    Language & Cultural Immersion
    Medical / Nurse / Dental
    Teaching English Education
    Premedical / Prenurse / Predental
    Child Care / Orphanage
    Senior Care Center
    Special Needs / Therapy Support
    Women's Empowerment Program

    Volunteer Opportunities in Pto. Inca (Amazon)
    Language & Cultural Immersion
    Teaching / Education
    Animal Rescue & Conservation
    Agriculture & Reforestation Cocoa Plantation  (Community Development)

    Reviews (2)

    • From the moment we arrived...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Nov/14/2014 by jenifer

      From the moment we arrived in Cusco, and we met our coordinator Beatriz at the airport, we received ongoing, wonderful support. Beatriz shared her wealth of knowledge about the history and culture of Cusco with us whenever the opportunity arose. She helped us to settle in (banking, telephone services, where to find a laundromat, and the list goes on) Throughout our time in Cusco, we had regular contact with her. She invited the two of us and other volunteers to her home to experience a wonderful Peruvian meal. Beatriz was diligent about asking how things were going at the volunteer sites, at the host family's home, if we felt well, etc. she helped us to shop for donations for different organizations.
      We truly enjoyed my time in Cusco. We volunteered at two sites and found the children to be open and loving. The whole experience was very rewarding and I would recommend volunteering abroad as something everyone should consider.

    • The support provided in country...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Nov/04/2014 by barbara

      The support provided in country was very impressive. If I had any questions at all they would be answered within the day. The local ABV coordinator (Beatriz) was amazing. She went above and beyond by showing me everything I needed in cusco and was also extremely helpful with any questions or concerns.
      If working in the orphanage the girls cannot receive makeup or nail polish. Simpler items such as hair clips, bracelets, etc. are accepted. Layers are a necessity with the changing weather in cusco as well as cough drops due to the air and altitude!
      My accommodation was amazing. I lived with two sisters, Cecilia and Eva, both in their fifties and their parents who are in their nineties. It was great to learn from the different generations. My host family prepared amazing food and were always so considerate to the fact I am a vegetarian. They also provided many blankets because it is so cold at night, they are truly caring people.