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    Seville Abroad: High School Exchange Program in Spain

    Seville Abroad: High School Exchange Program in Spain


    Gap top 50 badge
    • Listing Type: Gap Year Programs
    • Program Delivery: Residential
    • Destinations: Spain
    • Credit Awarded: High School
    • Program Length: Four Weeks, Academic Year, Semester, Quarter, Other
    • Start Month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
    • Category: Academic
    • Selective: No
    • Ages: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
    • Housing: Homestay
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships, Other, Payment Terms
    • Last Updated:August 2024
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    Seville Abroad gives high school students and graduates the opportunity to spend a year in Spain, living with a host family, and attending a Spanish high school. With a high emphasis on close contact, trust, and personalized attention to students and families, Seville Abroad is committed to making the experience a success!

    Our High School Study Abroad program in Spain is an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in a unique country and culture. Spain offers a perfect location, a climate full of sunshine, a fascinating culture, and world-famous gastronomy. Also, Spanish people are cheerful, friendly, and always open to foreign visitors.

    As a local agency, we are very flexible when it comes to respecting students’ preferred school and host family, as well as any extracurricular activities they may be interested outside (e.g. sports, music classes, Spanish lessons, Flamenco dance, photography, and so on).

    On our High school abroad program in Spain, we will enroll you in a high school of recognized quality in the Seville area. You will live with a host family specially selected for you, enjoying a wide range of activities and excursions, while all the time having the support of a local coordinator for anything you need.



    Cost and Session Information

    Dates of the Program: All year round

    Duration: Anywhere from a full academic year to a month

    Included in the price: Airline tickets, Host family with full meal plan, High School registration, textbooks and materials, field trips, Spanish classes, extracurricular activities, local mobile phone line, medical insurance, insurance trip, etc.