Gap Year Programs

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    Seize the Year:  Gap Year for the Arts

    Seize the Year: Gap Year for the Arts


    • Listing Type: Gap Year Programs
    • Program Delivery: Online
    • Destinations: United States
    • Credit Awarded: None
    • Program Length: Other
    • Start Month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November, December
    • Category: Academic
    • Selective: No
    • Gender: Coed
    • Ages: 16, 17, 18, 19+, 19
    • Minimum Cost: $3,000 - $4,999
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    Seize the Year (StY) focuses on supporting creative students whose interests are centered in the Arts. Working with students and parents, we develop a year-long structured pathway for experimentation and growth. We advise young emerging artists whose work encompasses the artistic fields of painting, sculpture, architecture, design, photography, film, video, and technology-based work. StY facilitates an interdisciplinary approach prevalent in Contemporary Art and Design.

    Our years of experience in the field of arts education at the college level confirms that students in the visual arts are often experiential learners who absorb new information by creating something tangible. The Seize the Year provides these online services to ensure you have a structured and transformative Interim Year:

    • Complimentary introduction and consultation to discuss your goals for the StY Interim Year and the following year
    • A StY Interim Year personalized list of opportunities, programs, workshops and classes consistent with your creative and professional goals
    • A 15-hour commitment for students and parents to plan, structure and implement a year-long plan
    • Quarterly portfolio reviews
    • College recommendations based on a portfolio review at the end your StY Interim Year
    • College application assistance: portfolio and artist statement
    • Ongoing support during your StY Interim Year