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    Carpe Diem Education | Gap Year Programs

    Carpe Diem Education | Gap Year Programs


    • Listing Type: Gap Year Programs
    • Program Delivery: Residential
    • Destinations: Australia, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Greece, India, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Nepal, Guatemala, Hawaii
    • Credit Awarded: College
    • Program Length: Academic Year, Semester
    • Start Month: February, September
    • Category: Travel/Cultural Immersion
    • Selective: No
    • Gender: Coed
    • Ages: 17, 18, 19+, 19
    • Housing: Homestay, Other, Tents
    • Application Fee: $100
    • Accreditation: Gap Year Association - Program
    • Affiliation: Gap Year Association
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships, Loans, Other, Payment Terms
    • Minimum Cost: $10,000 - $20,000
    • Call: (877) 285-1808
    • Meeting: Schedule a Meeting
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    We connect deeply with our global communities and travel with purpose and intention. Our students redefine what it means to embark on a meaningful gap year abroad. Learn a new language, live with a host family, and participate in a volunteer project—all while earning college credit—on a gap year or three-month semester around the world.

    Join our small groups in Hawai'i, Italy & Greece, UK, The Netherlands, India & Nepal, Southeast Asia, South America, Central America, and the South Pacific.

    Ready to extend your learning journey? Our year-long Latitudes program allows you to choose one of our group semesters in the fall, followed by a three-month focused volunteer placement in the spring.

    College credit and scholarships are available on both our semester and year-long programs.

    Reviews (24)

    • I just came back from...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on May/12/2023 by Kayla Pitch

      I just came back from the hawai'i aloha spring semester 2023. Fricking amazing. I wanted a program that I would be able to camp, learn about the environment, learn some sustainable solutions for the planet, go to a cool place, and make friends. I did all of that and more. I grew so much on this program (emotionally). We had a rough start because of weather, however I felt the instructors did a great job with keeping us safe, happy, and having a good time. We got to work with so many contacts carrying in race, philosophy, goal, gender,.... I learned life lessons, made some of the best memories of my life, snorkeled in some of the clearest waters of my life (saw 2 sharks!), did an awesome hike, visited multiple national parks, and grew to absolutely love working with dirt even though I wasn't a fan before. Even though I definitely had my struggles on the program, went through rough patches and struggled, I came through to be a new person with a new perspective on the world. Thank you carpe diem for helping me figure out a little bit of what I want to do and who I want to be! Recommend!!!!

    • So fun Defiantly do research...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on May/11/2023 by Isabel Weinberg

      So fun! Defiantly do research on the weather for your location before hand to bring belongings accordingly. Especially places like Hawai'i that don't have the typical 4 seasons.

    • The Carpe Diem Central America...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on May/02/2023 by Addie Laden

      The Carpe Diem Central America program in Guatemala and Costa Rica was an absolute blast! We had Spanish classes, did a 3 day long backpacking trek in the mountains, visited a beautiful lake and took lots of boat rides, as well as volunteered for various people and organizations such as an eco building school and a permaculture farm. I learned so much on this trip about travel, culture, and got to practice my Spanish a ton! The group dynamic and support was incredible and exactly what I needed as a young person who wants to get into international travel more!

    • A once in a lifetime...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on May/02/2023 by Dylan Ages

      A once in a lifetime experience. I am very grateful!

    • Was a great experience I...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on May/01/2023 by Tai Anderson Garbow

      Was a great experience. I travelled across Italy and Greece which was such an amazing experience. We met so many lovely people from so many different countries and learned all about their cultures. We had some farm stays which were very engaging and some city stays which were fun because we had lots of free time. It was a great mix of working and exploring. I think if you are looking for a trip where you can explore and also learn about other cultures. Overall I highly recommend carpe diem gap year and the Italy and Greece semester especially.

    • The Italy and Greece carpe...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on May/01/2023 by catherine spadt

      The Italy and Greece carpe program was one of the best decisions i've ever made. We travelled as a group of 9 including our 2 OE's and had a wonderful time. From exploring cities to living in a yurt on a workaway farm. We truly had an experience. i totally recommend this program to anyone who wants to experience backpacking but without the strife of having to do it urself.

    • I spent an incredible months...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Apr/19/2023 by Adrian Sanchez h

      I spent an incredible 2 months in se Asia. We did things like exploring cites, seeing temples,learning about the struggles of the people, seeing different levels of poverty, getting to know cohort members and even tour guides. I am super grateful for the opportunity that carpe provide to allow me and my peers to experience traveling abroad in a way that reduce the final burden for my family.

    • I personally loved this program...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Dec/07/2022 by Alexa Keightley

      I personally loved this program because it allowed me to grow as an individual by overcoming challenges, making new friends, and exciting adventures. Being away from home was weird at first, but I ended up enjoying living on my own in a way. I took a huge step outside my comfort zone and loved every minute of the trip. Not only did I achieve my goals as a person, I learned so many new things within the culture of Hawaii. I'm very grateful I was able to do this program and gain a different perspective on things!

    • I didn't know if I...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Nov/29/2022 by Adi Arbell

      I didn't know if I wanted to go to college right after high school, I wanted to work on a farm in Hawaii and figure out what some of my hobbies are. Including 2 educators my group was a total of 9 people and it's safe to say I call them all my close family, Id never been away from home for 70 days and you learn a lot when you travel to places you've never been, people you've never met, and a culture you were not educated on. The relationships I made with the group along with myself are something I will hold onto for the rest of my life, I'm really grateful for what I learned with my time at Carpe Diem and though it wasn't easy I would recommend this to every single person who wishes to step closer to finding themselves and their purpose.

    • Carpe Diem is definitely one...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Nov/19/2022 by Gabrielle Bennett

      Carpe Diem is definitely one of the best and happiest decisions I've made. One thing on I was looking forward to and that did not disappoint was student direct to travel. Student direct to travel is a portion of the trip where students budget, organize activities, and find housing. As part of the Southeast Asia program, our group decided to go to an island in Thailand and then went to Bangkok. One of my favorite activities we did was Muay Thai fighting lessons and, later, watched a Muay Thai fight live. As there was 11 of us, one thing our group struggled with was agreeing on group activities. Unless it is a group activity or an individual activity that is educational Carpe will reasonably not cover it. That said, I loved my student directed travel experience because I felt it help me feel more confident in my decision making for my upcoming Latitudes semester.

    • The BEST Two Months of...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Nov/19/2022 by Danica Wolf

      The BEST Two Months of My Life!

      Carpe Diem changed my life for the better. My semester in Southeast Asia truly was the best time of my life. I experienced so many things that I would have never been able to do had I not found Carpe. For instance building mud bricks, staying at a hill tribe, or eating lunch in a tiny hut on a mountain of rice fields. My expectations were exceeded and I learned so much about myself as a traveler. The friends I have made on this trip are amazing and truly some of the best people I have ever met. I couldn't recommend it more highly.

    • Hawaii Spring 2022 - An Authentic, Valuable Experience
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Jun/08/2022 by lukeghawkins703

      At first, I was hesitant to spend ten weeks away from home with a group of people I have not met before, but I completed this program and left with no regrets. These ten weeks were probably the best weeks of my life. I got to experience what it feels like to live and bond with people in a genuine, human way, which was especially beneficial during the pandemic. A huge part of my life has been dominated by the use of technology and screens, and this program allowed for me to connect with people in a wholesome, face-to-face manner (in one of the most beautiful places on earth!). I made such great friends from this program, and learned so much from it, too. I now feel much more confident traveling, and I have a greater appreciation for different cultures and ways of living as well. I have learned several very important lessons about myself from this experience that I will take with me through the rest of my life. I would strongly recommend this program to any gap year student.

    • Awesome Experience!
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Jun/07/2022 by mwmini

      I went on the Carpe Diem Central America semester and loved it. Throughout this program, I grew so much as a person. My group felt like a second family, and everyone we met along the way was so accommodating and knowledgable.

      I highly recommend this program if you're looking for Spanish immersion and are interested in sustainability and hiking. Although prior Spanish knowledge is not required, it is definitely more difficult to jump into homestays having barely spoken Spanish before. We learned a lot about the culture and about different ways to live and travel sustainably. At our volunteer sites we did green building, reforestation, and permaculture work, with fun activities mixed in so it wasn't all work all the time. The 3 day trek to Lake Atitlan is a big challenge if you're not a big hiker, but doable. It is a very rewarding experience once you do finish, ending with the prettiest sunrise over the lake. The accommodations vary a lot, so be prepared for periods of rugged living and bucket showers. Our homestay families were all very happy to have us, so if that's a worry for you just know that you'll be in good hands. The food was a BIG highlight of the trip. We had amazing food for almost every meal, and learned how to cook authentic Guatemalan/Costa Rican dishes. And if you're vegetarian or vegan, there will be options for you. In terms of tech, we had very limited access to internet, even after the first 3 weeks of no wifi, so be prepared for limited contact to home. Most people didn't mind it though, as it helps you stay present with each other. We had a good balance of independence and group stability. During free time, we could do whatever we wanted (within reason) but we also had a good amount of structure with group activities. The end of the trip was also awesome: scuba diving, seeing cool wildlife, and staying in a hostel that was a 5minute walk from the beach! It felt like each week we did something completely different, which is such a unique opportunity.

      I was not 100% wanting to do this program initially, which made the first month especially hard. I ended up loving my experience and being so happy I went, but it took some time to adjust. My best advice would be to take some time and think about what you really want to get out of your semester, and you should only do this program if you truly want to push yourself and experience a whole new way of living. If you go into this program open to whatever comes your way, you will thrive and have the time of your life!

    • Hawaii Spring 2022 - An Authentic, Valuable Experience
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Jun/05/2022 by lukeghawkins703

      At first, I was hesitant to spend ten weeks away from home with a group of people I have not met before, but I completed this program and left with no regrets. These ten weeks were probably the best weeks of my life. I got to experience what it feels like to live and bond with people in a genuine, human way, which was especially beneficial during the pandemic. A huge part of my life has been dominated by the use of technology and screens, and this program allowed for me to connect with people in a wholesome, face-to-face manner (in one of the most beautiful places on earth!). I made such great friends from this program, and learned so much from it, too. I now feel much more confident traveling, and I have a greater appreciation for different cultures and ways of living as well. I have learned several very important lessons about myself from this experience that I will take with me through the rest of my life. I would strongly recommend this program to any gap year student.

    • Seize this Opportunity!
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Feb/23/2022 by parkerclawson517

      My time with Carpe was one of the most formative and eye opening experiences of my life. I was challenged to grow into a person that I am so proud to be. My group became my family and I have formed lifelong friendships. I hope to remain involved with the Carpe community for the rest of my life. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that my experience with Carpe will always be one of my favorite memories.

    • The Best Three Months Of My Life!
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Jun/28/2016 by Komodo

      On the Carpe Diem Program was my first time leaving the United States. Since my dad is Cambodian I was really drawn to the South East Asia Program to learn about my family's heritage and history. I learn more than just that. I learned more in the three months abroad about myself, other people, and the world in those three months than I did my whole life living in Portland, Oregon. I can honestly say that in this program I developed the skills to tap within myself for a deeper power to overcome the challenges I face. I loved every single moment abroad and after 3 years I still have vivid memories and think about the awesome experiences. It changed my life for the better and I will always will be a traveler in my heart.

    • A Year Full Enough for a Lifetime
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Jun/14/2016 by Shayna

      I was lucky enough to find Carpe Diem for the year after my high school graduation, 2010-2011, and can to this day stand by them as indisputably the best gap year program internationally. I could never imagine how my life would appear today had I not participated in the Latitudes Program, spending one full semester in Central America on a group trip and another semester on an independent internship in Ecuador. I gained essential skills in organization, writing, budgeting, and leadership; I tackled fears head-on while cultivating an insatiable curiosity; I grew more confident in my abilities scholastically and personally; I became completely fluent in another language equivalent to the level of my mother tongue; I created life-long friendships with other participants and locals to this day.

      Carpe Diem stood by me, answering my plethora of questions before the trip, appeasing my nervous mother during the trip, and accommodating me to practice my religious observances as a modern-orthodox Jew throughout the program. The coordinators supported me in arranging my internship placement, while simultaneously giving me enough space to be independent too. My trip leaders on the group trip were inspiring, confronting, and were the catalysts toward driving the personal developments of participants as we all pushed our comfort zone together with volunteer work that included arduous physical labor, language school, teaching English, and working with wildlife. My independent internship at an Inca ruin Hacienda gave me ample opportunity to dabble into a variety of fields, including farming, local cooking, horseback riding, translating, writing, and being a tour guide to hone my interests for my future career and quench my diverse interests. Carpe Diem pushed me emotionally and physically every day to find comfort through discomfort, to understand and be proactive in my surroundings, and to cultivate empathy.

    • Beautiful Southeast Asia
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Jun/10/2016 by Alondra

      I never thought it would be possible for me to travel, but Carpe Diem Education gave me that opportunity. I traveled to Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Physically being there was life changing with that I was challenged emotionally and mentally. Taking part of a new culture was a new adventure, the locals are kind, the food is delicious, the history is eye opening. I traveled with a group of strangers at the beginning, but at the end we made close bonds with each other. The overseas educators challenged us everyday to get out of our comfort zones and we're there to supportive us. I am thankful for this opportunity because I learned a lot about myself, others, and new cultures.

    • India! Not what it seems
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Jun/07/2016 by Travon

      I grew up a relatively poor kid in a household where my mom would work all day and night leaving my brother and I home alone. I never had anyone around that was building my confidence that much and I grew up not thinking many opportunities were for me. Only until recently in my life have I started thinking I am deserving of opportunities that I would not have thought were for me. Carpe Diem Education gave me an experience of a lifetime by allowing me to travel India and find the confidence within myself that was always there but not encouraged to shine. India was not on my top 3 choices of places to travel to but with my group, I had experiences that I will never again have and I thank Carpe for being the blessed origination that it is.

    • GO TO INDIA!
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on May/26/2016 by Kenya

      Carpe Diem Education has literally changed my life. i was already enrolled in college when i had applied. i was very hesitant but then something in me just told me to take a risk. best risk i could have ever taken. going to India was the first time that i have ever left my home. Being in India for 3 month made me feel at home there too. Carpe gave me the opportunity to see a world other than my own. i had the time of my life in India, which by the way is a phenomenal place. i had gotten the opportunity to learn about myself, others and an entirely new culture and new people and see so much beauty. if you are reading this, stop reading it and go sign up already! you will make a group of lifelong friends, and have a better understanding of who you really are. sounds magical right? seriously, go sign up! and tell your friends!

    • Within India
      stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on May/26/2016 by Blanca

      Within India I learned things I never even had the questions to. I learned things about myself and the country I was in and who I was within this country. Carpe Diem education does an amazing job making you feel secure and safe and learn how to trust yourself to manage your way around this country for three months. Because of this program I am confident enough to say I can travel anywhere on my own now! They were great teachers and I'm really grateful.

    • A trip of a lifetime!
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on May/22/2016 by Emma

      Carpe diem is so amazing. I spent a year traveling through southeast Asia and northern Africa with carpe and I learned a ton. I did my group semester in Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia and then I traveled throughout Malaysia with one of my groupmates after. Carpe prepared me to be able to travel throughout a country I've never been to without fear. I then went and interned in Morocco for my second semester and grew professionally and personally.

    • East Africa
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on May/20/2016 by Elijah

      I took part in the Spring 2012 East Africa Semester and not only do I not regret that decision but my appreciation for that trip continues to grow. I was uninterested in school from the start and barely made it through high school, did not even apply to any colleges, and did not plan on continuing my education. Then I heard about Carpe Diem Education and I decided to take part and it was worth it. I learned to love learning, the rewards of giving back, the freedoms of responsibility and independence, and the wonders of travel. I made friends and memories I will have for the rest of my life, found passion that has led me through school, and developed values that are central to my life.
      Carpe Diem is a well run organization with skillful passionate leaders and I am sure all of their trips are just as amazing as East Africa and I strongly suggest everyone who has the opportunity to partake in the trip that calls them.

    • Best three months of my life
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on May/19/2016 by Rebecca NH

      My Walkabout South Pacific semester was by far the greatest three months of my life. Our leaders were not just knowledgable and responsible, they were adventurous and caring and they loved to help us all push our personal comfort levels, physically emotionally and mentally. Ryan and Cheridyn were a huge part of our Carpe family. And we were a family. Our little group of 12 strangers grew, with definite ups and downs, into the closest group of friends I've ever had. We talk daily, and had a reunion planned after a month apart. I feel close to my Carpe friends in aside way than friends from school and camp. Our connection grew out of trials and joys so different from anything we had experienced before. Maybe the greatest thing unique to Carpe Diem are the contacts we spent each week with, cultivated over years by Carpe staff. These relationships feel so personal and real, I can't believe I only had been with each group of people for one week. I'm so eternally grateful I chose Carpe for my gap year, and I love every person, skill, and memory I had after the three months were up.