School Year Enrichment

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    One:One Mobile App Development Class

    One:One Mobile App Development Class


    • Listing Type: School Year Enrichment
    • Entering Grade: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th
    • Program Delivery: Online
    • Session Start: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
    • Session Length: Four Weeks, Other
    • Category: STEM
    • Sub-Categories: STEM, Computer Science
    • Minimum Cost: < $500
    • Gender: Coed
    • Location:Not Applicable
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    Whizara’s mobile app development course introduces students to the inner workings of the ever ubiquitous mobile applications.

    Whizara’s mobile app development course unravels the inner workings of mobile apps using MIT App Inventor. The course engages students in creating personalized apps using the block-based language to program app logic and behavior.

    The course reinforces computational thinking and design thinking as students design, develop, package and share a series of multimedia mobile apps and interactive games using the App Inventor’s visual drag and drop coding interface.

    You can pick a time of your convenience for these classes.

    • Skill-level: BeginnerCoding prerequisite: None
    • Device prerequisite: The supported devices can be found on our website.
    • Standards alignment: K-12 CSTA, ISTE