School Year Enrichment

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    JIM Enterprises, Inc: Jump Into English Language Program


    • Listing Type: School Year Enrichment
    • Program Delivery: Online
    • Session Length: Academic Year, Semester, Quarter, Other
    • Category: Language
    • Sub-Categories: English as Second Language (ESL)
    • Minimum Cost: < $500
    • Gender: Coed
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    Jump Into English is a remote English language program where students can pick the English package that best fits their needs and ability. You can sign up for one of three packages that have unique lesson activities and challenges to motivate and teach you.

    Learning with Jump Into English is engaging and empowering. Each level has lesson activities and challenges to enhance your skill set while motivating you along the way. Go at your own pace, practice and test yourself to build confidence in your English language reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

    To find out more about our pricing and how to sign up, check out our website!