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    Southwestern Oklahoma State University


    • Listing Type: Colleges & Universities
    • Top Majors: Computer and Information Sciences, Education, Engineering, Health Care, Languages and Literature, Mathematics and Statistics, Recreation and Fitness, Fashion Design
    • Type: Public
    • Degrees Awarded: 4 Year
    • Campus Setting: Rural
    • Testing Requirements: ACT, SAT
    • Financial Aid: Grants/Scholarships, Loans
    • Gender: Coed
    • Country: United States
    • In State Tuition: $8,130
    • Out of State Tuition: $15,240
    • Delivery: Day, Residential, Online
    • Religious Affiliation: None
    • CEEB: 6673
    • IPED: 207865
    • Location:Weatherford, Oklahoma
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    The mission of Southwestern Oklahoma State University is to provide educational opportunities in higher education that meet the needs of the state and region; contribute to the educational, economic, and cultural environment; and support scholarly activity.

    By any measure, Southwestern Oklahoma State University is considered by many to be one of Oklahomas best universities. SWOSU boasts one of the most diverse selections of academic college course options and offers 15 nationally-accredited academic programs—the most among Oklahomas regional universities. SWOSU is top rated in affordability and provides financial aid assistance. As always, we are dedicated to providing our students with a quality education in a safe environment while preparing them for the career of their dreams.