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    Writing The College Essay

    Posted August 14, 2014, 2:00 pm by Scott Fallon
    Essay Writing

    With summer being about half way over, it’s the perfect time to start writing that college essay. This could be one of the most important essays you write in your life so here are some tips to make it the best essay possible.

    Make your essay stand out

    Try to avoid writing about cliché ideas. College Admission officers read hundreds of essays each day so try to avoid topics that lots of other people will write about. Make it unique to yourself and different than everyone else’s. Write an essay that will stand out to the person reading it. You don’t want your essay to blend in with everyone else’s. Try adding a little humor to it. There admission officers are reading tons of essays each day. By making the reader laugh a little, it will definitely help your essay stand out.

    Don’t brag too much

    Although your essay is meant to be about you, don’t make it an entire essay bragging about all of your accomplishments. Admissions officers like to see you admit your flaws and how you overcome them. It shows great responsibility admitting what you’ve done wrong in your past and what changes you’ve made to conquer these things. However, don’t add some major wrong doing in your essay (for example getting arrested, etc.), try to add some minor setbacks and what you did about them.

    Write about things not on your application

    The essay is meant so the college can know a little more about you that they didn’t know before. Don’t just restate exactly what’s on your application. Make it about something that’s unique to you that they wouldn’t already know. This essay is your chance to show the admission officers who you really are.

    Brainstorm your ideas

    Before writing, take a few days to really brainstorm your ideas with a parent, friend or tutor so you can find the perfect topic to write about. After all, this isn’t an essay you want to rush through. Make a list of any idea that comes to mind. Once you have a lengthy list, start trimming down until you’ve found the perfect topic!

    Revise! Revise! Revise!

    This shouldn’t be an essay that you only write one draft for. Don’t be afraid to write and re-write the essay multiple times. Once you have an essay you like, ask others to read and revise it. Get as many people as possible to edit your essay so you can make it the best essay possible.

    Use an essay advisor

    Using an essay advisor is a great way to help you out on your essay. Advisors will help brainstorm the best topics and also help you revise the essay a little more. These advisors will help your essay take shape and they will help you do your absolute best on the essay.

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    Scott Fallon

    Scott Fallon

    Scott is a senior at Dover-Sherborn High School and looking forward to starting the college application process. He is an intern and an occasional blogger here at TeenLife.
