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    Student Testimonial: Wayne State University

    Posted August 16, 2022, 10:00 am by TeenLife

    Clove Ellis - Wayne State University

    Why Did You Choose to Attend Wayne State University and Select This Major?

    At first, I chose Wayne State University because it was close by, its tuition rates were comparably affordable, and I knew the campus from being around it growing up. However, once finishing my BFA I decided to come back to WSU for my Masters of Arts in Arts Administration because the faculty and staff genuinely care so much about student success. The programming is expansive and thorough, and the opportunities for career advancement and networking are endless if you really engage with your professors and department. I would go back and pick WSU again and again and I'm proud to be an Alumni.

    What Did You Hope to Get Out of this Program and Did You Achieve It?

    When I switched my major to art, I was really just hoping to finish my bachelor's degree with something I cared about and was good at. I ended up achieving Dean's List for excellent academic standing a couple times, real job experience in my field, lifelong mentorship relationships, and a deeply comprehensive understanding of my field as well as my own strengths and weaknesses. I achieved a level of confidence and professionalism that I never anticipated coming into it.

    Did You Have to Prepare for This Major in Any Way?

    I've been casually making art since I was young. I dipped into several mediums throughout the years and it was my main mode of self-expression, especially in my late teen years. I think those hours at my desk after school were the best preparation. If I went into college for the first time knowing I was going to be pursuing a BFA, I probably would have kept a more organized portfolio of my work. Other than that, the dedicated time developing my craft served me well enough.

    What Was a Typical Day Like at Wayne State University?

    A typical day was usually equal parts chill and exciting. I chose not to sign up for classes before 11am whenever possible because I knew it would have been hard to get myself to morning classes. So I would generally wake up at 9:30, have a quick breakfast and head to my first class. All of my courses were the perfect balance of challenging and doable, so I was never bored or overly frustrated. I'd head out for a quick lunch, then head to any next classes I might have.

    I also tried to spread my classes out over the week so I only had one or two classes a day and would spend most late afternoons doing the coursework or reading. Then the late evenings were mine to get together with friends or relax and watch some TV. It was great because my schedule was my choice, but there was enough structure in my week to stay motivated and organized.

    What was the Most Memorable Moment of Your Time At Wayne State University?

    The most memorable moment of my time at this college was when I was hired as a student assistant in the art galleries the first time. That moment told me I was enough, I was capable, I was wanted, and I could be successful in a field that we are so often told will be a dead end. It opened my eyes to all of the careers available in the art field that aren't just being an artist, but could be a fulfilling way to supplement my life and income as I develop my studio work. It was also there that I started building relationships that made me feel like I've found a home.

    What Advice Do You Have for Teens Looking for he Right College?

    My advice is to go see the campus and spend time checking out the community spaces as a first step. Have lunch, visit the student center, sit in the quad. Imagine yourself living and learning there. I also think it's a great idea to do some research on the professors in the department you'd be a part of. See if their specialties excite you, and if you'd want to build relationships with them. Lastly, I think it's a good idea to check out the extracurricular activities and clubs, see if there are any you'd be interested in joining, because being engaged can really make or break a college experience.

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