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    Touring colleges? Be Sure To Make These 3 Connections

    Posted March 9, 2016, 2:00 pm
    Touring colleges? Be Sure To Make These 3 Connections

    A college visit is possibly the most important component of your college search. Without a visit, you're applying blind and can’t easily tell if the college is a good fit. Without visiting, you can't make three important personal connections: the college admissions counselors, financial aid officers, and current students. These people will help you make your final college choice and see your interest in the school — which can increase the chance of your acceptance.

    These connections help during your application process and help ease your transition to college once you start your journey.

    1. College admissions counselors

    Making friends with the admissions department can do more than provide useful information. A connection with an admissions counselor can go a long way toward securing an offer of admission.

    Colleges keep track of student visits and those connections. When my daughter applied to Boston University, her connection with the admissions counselor helped facilitate her offer of admission even though her application was marginal and her test scores were below the college’s average.

    When you’re on campus, schedule an interview. After the interview, ask for a business card with the counselor’s contact information. Follow up after the visit and stay in touch throughout the admissions process. When your application arrives, they will be able to put a face with a name, and this alone could move your application to the top of the pile.

    2. College financial aid officers

    While on campus, schedule an appointment with the financial aid office. Ask questions about the total cost of college, how much freshman student aid they typically provide, and college specific scholarships. As with the admissions office, secure a business card with contact information.

    This connection will also be helpful once you complete your FAFSA and receive your financial aid award. You might need to clarify some financial information, ask questions about the aid package, write an appeal letter, or communicate with them about your aid disbursements.

    3. Current college students

    Don’t forget to go on a tour when visiting a campus. And after the tour, explore the student hangouts on campus: the student union, the dining hall, residence hall patios and the campus bookstore.

    The student tour guide can provide you with helpful information and be a valuable connection after you are offered admission. Ask for contact information in case you have any additional questions after the tour.

    Connecting with students will also help you get a feel for the type of student who attends the college. Are they friendly, approachable, and willing to help? It is these student connections that often make or break a college choice. If you don’t feel at home socially, the college is probably not a good fit for you.

    [Looking for more info from the TeenLife Experts? Here are 6 terrible reasons to choose a college!]

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