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    Student Testimonial: Tufts Engineering and Design Lab

    Student Testimonial: Tufts Engineering and Design Lab

    Posted by TeenLife

    Erik Nystedt — Tufts' Pre-College Intensive: Engineering Design Lab 

    How did you decide which program was right for you?

    Last summer I chose the Engineering and Design Lab (EDL) program at Tufts because it gave me an opportunity to explore and learn more about Robotics. Due to Covid the program was on-line during the Summer of 2021. Nevertheless, we didn’t let that stop us and we had plenty of opportunities for learning and fun.

    What was a typical day in your summer program?

    Our day started with an Engineering & Design Instruction session, where we learned more about the sensors our robots had and how to best use them. After a brief break, we usually had the opportunity to learn and engage with a guest speaker who was usually an engineer in a specific field like Civil or Mechanical engineering. After lunch we worked on our robot, and coded it so that it could complete a series of predetermined tasks. The final session of the day was dedicated time to work on your team projects with supervisory assistance if needed.

    What was the most memorable moment of your summer?

    The most memorable part of the program for me was the lectures we received from engineers, specifically about what the future of engineering will look like.

    What advice do you have for teens looking at summer programs?

    My advice to other Teens is that this is an excellent program to learn more about the key technologies of the future. It is the right program for you if you are curious, and want to learn more about Robotics and Programming. It was a fun group of students and the teachers which made the program very open and friendly such that everyone, at all different levels, felt comfortable and included. I really enjoyed it and would highly recommend it to others.

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