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    Student Testimonial: Baldwin University Conservatory of Music

    Posted July 28, 2023, 11:17 am by TeenLife

    Jo Arnold - Baldwin Wallace University: Conservatory of Performing Arts

    Why Did You Choose Baldwin Wallace University?

    I chose Baldwin Wallace University because of the great faculty and the community. My professor of double bass is passionate about teaching, supportive, and pushes me to work my hardest and do my best. I chose a music performance major because of my passion to share music and become part of the music-making community. I love playing my instrument and I love playing with other people. Because of the smaller size of Baldwin Wallace, I can have personal learning experiences with faculty, and I have been given many unique opportunities I would not get in a larger music conservatory.

    I hope to leave Baldwin Wallace with a clear direction to continue my learning so that I can take what Baldwin Wallace has provided me and continue to grow elsewhere. I have a small but supportive network of connections already and I have grown as a musician and a person. I have a long way to go in my progress, and Baldwin Wallace has been a wonderful start.

    I had to prepare as a music performance major. Like most people who share my major, I have been playing my instrument and engaging in music for years. For my auditions, there was a selection of music that I had to prepare, selected by myself and by the schools I was applying to. I also had to prepare skills like scales and sight-reading music. Another part of my preparation was meeting the professors of double bass and the orchestra directors at each school.

    What Does Life Look Like at Baldwin Wallace University?

    A typical day for me starts at 8:00 am for my first class, Form and Analysis. I have lunch between the end of class and jazz band rehearsal. After rehearsal I spend time practicing, then attend my next class, Jazz Improv. I spend another few hours practicing, having a snack, and talking to friends before I have rehearsal with the Baldwin Wallace Symphony Orchestra. Once rehearsal is finished, the stage is cleared, and my duties as stage manager are complete, I commute home to do homework and see my cat.

    My most memorable moment was performing and participating in my first Bach Festival at the end of my sophomore year. There was so much to learn from the lectures and guest artists and so much great music to play and listen to. It reminded me that finding community and being inspired by other artists is what draws me to music.

    Do You Have Any Advice for Future Students?

    My advice is to look for schools with quality programs of your interest, but most importantly, look for faculty that you work well with. They are the people who will push you in the right directions and provide the stepping stones for your personal growth in your field. It should feel exciting and inspiring to have the opportunity to learn from them.

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