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    Student Testimonial: Laguna College of Art and Design

    Posted July 20, 2022, 10:00 am by TeenLife

    Charlotte Song - Laguna College of Art and Design

    Why did you Choose to Attend Laguna College of Art Design ?

    The number one reason that I chose Laguna College of Art and Design is because of its location. I did a campus tour when I was still deciding, and my first impression of LCAD was that the buildings don’t feel isolated from nature. There are plenty of trees and greens on campus, which feels like a calming place to get inspired and to get the creative juice out.

    The second reason is that the tuition compared to many other art schools is a more affordable price, plus LCAD offers merit and competitive scholarships to help students finish college with less stress, which many students were able to get including me. I chose illustration because the curriculum is very broad, from graphic design to fine art to entertainment design, it includes a bit of everything. Back then, when I was not sure what I wanted to do, it was the best option for me. I found my passion in my junior year, which is background design/paint. After I graduate, I would like to be a background artist in the animation industry.

    Did You Have to Prepare for this Major in Any Way?

    I didn’t have an art background like many of my peers. I started doing art when I was at the community college. In hindsight, my portfolio is not as strong as I would like it to be, however, I did try my best to do a lot of figure drawings, color studies, and sketchbook work, just to get the mileage there.

    What Was a Typical Day Like at Laguna College of Art and Design?

    A typical day for me, let's use a day when I only have one class as an example. I am an early bird, so I tried to do all the entertaining activities in the morning since I would not have the time later, such as watching YouTube videos, reading novels, or playing mobile games. The morning class starts at 10 am. I live an hour away from campus, so I would leave around 8:30 just in case of traffic. After the 6hr class, I would go home, and maybe go grocery shopping on the way back, and then get straight into homework. It is hard to find time to cook when school is happening. I just eat dumplings or cook easy recipes, and I would do meal prep for the next day. After done with the homework, if I know what is going to be discussed for tomorrow’s class, I would do some research to get myself ahead. If I get everything done before 10 pm, I would read for another 30 mins and go to bed.

    What was the Most Memorable Moment of Your Time at Laguna College of Art and Design?

    The most recent memorable event was the graduation ceremony at Irvine Bowl. Although I was not graduating, seeing many of my friends walking on the stage made me feel so happy for them. The student speaker's speech was very touching. Completing college is definitely one of the most valuable achievements in life, and I am looking forward to my graduation next year!

    What Advice Do You Have For Teens Looking for the Right College?

    When looking for the right college, do a lot of research. If you can visit the school in person, I highly suggest you go see the classrooms, walk around the campus, talk to people in person, and if you can, try to visit during school time, so you can see how the classes are held, and see if you like the overall atmosphere. Another thing is to talk to the current students. Whether you reach out to them on social media or in person, they will give you the most honest thoughts on how they think about the school and share their experiences with you

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