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    How to Ace Your College Interview

    Posted May 17, 2014, 3:00 pm by Andrew Belasco
    How to Ace Your College Interview

    In today’s college admissions climate, successful applicants need to present more than just the contents of their application. Sure, strong academic credentials are necessary, but they are no longer sufficient to earn admission into many selective institutions. In addition to excellent grades and test scores, students must be able to prove that they are a good “fit” for their prospective schools. Along with the college essay, the college interview provides applicants a golden opportunity to demonstrate that they are not only qualified but suitable for admission into the college of their choice.

    For many applicants, the prospect of meeting face-to-face with an admissions officer can be daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. With good preparation and a sound understanding of the process, you can ace your interview and leave a positive, lasting impression with your potential colleges. Here’s what you should know about the college interview:

    1. Schedule your interview early.

    Since appointments tend to fill up quickly, especially during the height of application season, you should schedule an interview with your prospective school’s admissions office at least four weeks prior to your planned date of arrival.

    2. Meet with your rep.

    If offered an admissions interview, request to meet with the representative who is assigned to your high school or region, as he or she will most likely be the one evaluating your application.

    3. Know your school.

    Peruse your prospective school’s website, particularly the pages of the site that focus upon your areas of interest. Learn about the courses, professors, and extracurricular activities from which you would benefit if offered admission. If you can demonstrate knowledge of the college’s offerings, your admissions officer is more likely to regard you as a serious and genuinely interested candidate.

    4. Come prepared.

    Before the interview, make sure to obtain a copy of your transcript, your resume or student activities sheet, and a list of any standardized test scores. This information will allow your admissions representative to realistically assess your chances of admission, as well as offer any advice that he or she may have on how to improve your application.

    During the interview, be prepared to discuss your courses, your extracurricular experiences, and your reasons for applying to the college (and be specific!). Here are some questions that you may encounter on interview day:

    • Why are you interested in our college?
    • What will your high school miss most about you?
    • What do you consider your strengths?
    • If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
    • If you could change one thing about your current school, what would it be?
    • What extracurricular activities at school and in your community have been most important to you?
    • Which subjects and courses have you enjoyed the most? Which have been the most difficult?
    • Whom do you consider your role model(s)? Why?
    • What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now?
    • What do you like to do for fun?
    • Describe a challenge that you have overcome?
    • What is your favorite book? Why?

    You should also come with several questions of your own that will help you to learn more about the college and simultaneously demonstrate to your rep that you have done your college research. Here are some questions that you might consider asking:

    • What is your average class size? For freshman? For upperclassmen?
    • Is there opportunity for independent study and/or research?
    • Do you offer academic support services?
    • How many students study abroad? Pursue internships?
    • Can you speak about the career placement and graduate school placement of your recent graduates?
    • What distinguishes your college from other comparable colleges?

    5. Practice makes perfect.

    If possible, attempt to simulate the conditions that you will encounter on interview day. Solicit help from a friend or relative who is willing to play the role of interviewer and who is also comfortable enough to critique your performance. Finding a good practice partner will enable you to discover and subsequently improve upon weaknesses in your interview technique.

    As you practice responding to the above questions, avoid the temptation to memorize or script your answers. The best interviews proceed like a good conversation, so be yourself and be sincere.

    6. Remember etiquette.

    When the big day arrives, make sure you’re on time. Dress appropriately (business casual), shake hands, and maintain eye contact throughout the meeting, as presentation is also key to a successful interview.

    Finally, it’s important to realize that your admissions rep is just as anxious to impress you as you are to impress her. So, relax and use your college interview as an opportunity to enter into great conversation and to learn a bit more about your prospective school.

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    Andrew Belasco

    Andrew Belasco

    Andrew Belasco is CEO of College Transitions LLC, a team of college planning experts committed to guiding families through the college admissions process. In addition to his role as CEO, Andrew is a published higher education researcher and consultant to U.S. Congress, reporting on issues related to college admission and financial aid policy.
