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    Help Young People to Inspire Change in 2014

    Posted February 13, 2014, 6:19 pm by TeenLife Blogger
    Help Young People to Inspire Change in 2014

    The New Year is a chance to look ahead and resolve to do better in the future.

    At Raleigh International we will be focusing on the potential of young people in 2014 - young people who have the energy and determination to make things happen and inspire change, especially when it comes to helping others.

    We believe in making the most of that potential and driving it forward to help young people achieve positive change. More than that, we truly believe that young peoples’ passion and creativity can contribute to sustainable development.

    We recently released a survey demonstrating that the younger generation are not as selfish as negative stereotypes would have us believe. The study saw over 1,000 18-25 year olds questioned on their biggest concerns; their goals for the future, attitudes to volunteering and the issues they believe need addressing in society.

    Nearly 9 out of 10 respondents said they feel the need to help others and 91% aspire to do something of importance with their lives.

    The survey also revealed that nearly three times as many young people were more concerned that millions of people around the world are living in poverty (46%) than worrying about having a nice car (17%).

    In short, young people are more concerned with global and local issues than materialistic gain. At Raleigh International we encourage young people around the world to make the most of any time out, either on their gap year or summer break by contributing through volunteering.

    Raleigh International is a sustainable development charity.

    We challenge and inspire young people and communities living in poverty around the world to work towards sustainable change. We particularly focus on access to water and sanitation, protecting vulnerable environments and building resilient communities. We work in Tanzania, Costa Rica & Nicaragua and Borneo and run safe expeditions for young people to volunteer on. Anyone between the ages of 17-24 can join for 5, 7 or 10 weeks.

    A Raleigh expedition is a structured, supported and safe opportunity to gain a unique and worthwhile insight into sustainable development. We will challenge and support you to develop skills that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

    Dougie, 18, volunteered on a Raleigh International expedition in Costa Rica & Nicaragua on his gap year.

    “Raleigh gives you the chance to do things that you would never get to try at any other time in your life.

    We worked hard on the projects together with the Matapalo community in Nicaragua. To go from watching my host ‘Mum’ struggle in her daily life, carrying a 25 liter water can to the river numerous times a day to seeing her turn on the tap 4m away from her front door at the end of the project was incredible."

    Rachel Collinson, Head of Recruitment, Delivery and Communications said, “At Raleigh we believe that by working together communities and young people are inspired to build a better future. Our expeditions support a diverse range of volunteers to work together to create positive change. All volunteers need is an open mind, commitment and a desire to change their world for the better.”

    Find out more and apply www.raleighinternational.org/expeditions

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    TeenLife Blogger

    TeenLife Blogger

    TeenLife Blogger is a writer and blogger at TeenLife.

    Tags: Gap Years