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    The Hartt School: Sydney Apel

    Posted August 21, 2018, 1:46 pm by TeenLife
    The Hartt School: Sydney Apel

    Sydney Apel is studying music management at The Hartt School, the conservatory at the University of Hartford.

    What do you love about music?

    I hardly know myself without music. Violin and performance has been a part of my life since I was five years old, and when you do something so life-consuming for so long, it becomes difficult to imagine a future without it.

    Why did you decide to study music management?

    When I began looking at colleges, I instinctually looked at performance degrees, not certain that’s what I wanted, or even needed. I knew that I wanted my life to be musical, but I also wanted to create something tangible. At the time, I didn’t even know that music management (my current field of study) was even an a viable major. The moment of clarification came in a rather strange way, on a trip to a different university with my mother, spring break of my junior year of high school. The tour guides were talking about a music festival created and run by students. I asked whether the music students were a part of that. “No,” they replied, “that’s done by business students.”

    The offhand, easy dismissal of the value of a musician’s input catapulted me into discovery of music management and ultimately, to The Hartt School.

    What made you choose The Hartt School?

    I chose Hartt because of the legacy of musicality here, the dedication of its students and the specificity of the curriculum. Two years later, I’m more than certain I made the right decision.

    What do you like about The Hartt School?

    I love Hartt for all the normal reasons you should love your university: the unbelievably talented people, the dedicated and engaging professors, the small class sizes, the dynamic discussions both in and out of class, a great campus community and so many other factors. I’m consistently reminded that this is a special institution, a place I feel safe to grow as a musician and as a person. I also love Hartt because Hartt legitimately wants me to succeed. This is a place that has not only given me all the right tools to pursue whatever field of the music industry I choose, but additionally has blessed me with multiple opportunities to practice these tools practically. The trust that my professors and fellow students have in me and my abilities is incredible and inspiring.

    How will your experience at Hartt help after graduation?

    The music industry is a unique and challenging field, but I am certain I will have the skills and support necessary to meet and exceed its expectation upon graduating.

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