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    Student Testimonial: Gettysburg College

    Posted August 8, 2022, 10:00 am by TeenLife
    Gettysburg College logo with featured student

    Elizabeth Bishop - Gettysburg College

    Why Did You Choose to Attend Gettysburg College and Select This Major?

    I chose Gettysburg College so I would have the opportunity to explore my interests. I knew I wanted to major in both Biology and Music because I enjoyed those classes the most in high school. Gettysburg College encouraged me to pursue both of my passions. I also felt connected to the strong and supportive community at the Sunderman Conservatory and the College. When I visited campus for the first time, I fell in love with the beautiful campus and town, and felt very welcomed by all of the students, faculty, and staff that I met. 

    What Did You Hope to Get Out of the Program, and Did You Achieve It?

    I had hoped to have a supportive community and the opportunity to explore academically. These hopes have been fulfilled as well as others I didn’t know to hope for and I have thrived in my programs. I also learned a great amount, developed strong relationships with my professors, and made lifelong friends. 

    Did You Have to Prepare for This Major in Any Way?

     For my music major, I prepared an audition and practiced my main instrument. For my Biology major, preparation wasn’t required but my high school biology classes certainly helped me by giving me a strong foundation going into college classes.

    What was a Typical Day like at Gettysburg College? 

    I’ve always enjoyed that my schedule has varied based on the day of the week. However a typical day for me involves a class or two, sometimes a lab, and usually a music lesson, ensemble, and/or practice. I always have meals with my friends to catch up and chat. I also work on campus and enjoy going to my jobs in admissions and as orchestra staff. In the evenings I spend time doing homework with my friends. 

    What Was the Most Memorable Moment of Your Time at Gettysburg College?  

    I took a Tropical Marine Biology course in which the lab portion of the class was a 17 day trip to the Bahamas. We went snorkeling every day and completed a research project. It was incredible to be able to learn in such a beautiful place, and get to see the oceans, fish, and plants in person instead of only in photos in the classroom. 

    My favorite memory on campus was right before the concerto competition in the fall of 2021. My fellow competitors and I were all very nervous to perform in the competition.  We were all warming up backstage and we danced out our nervous energy together before going out. I felt so supported and happy to be surrounded by such a great community of peers. 

    What Advice Do You Have for a Teen Looking for the Right College?

    I advise a teen looking for the right college to find a place where you feel comfortable with, connected to, and supported by the students, faculty, and staff. Your college will be your home for the next 4 years and should support you in your passions so you can thrive and reach your fullest potential.

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