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    Five Things to Do After School If You’re Not an Athlete

    Posted October 15, 2015, 1:00 pm by The Experts at TeenLife
    after school activities for teens

    Maybe you aren’t the fastest runner out there. Maybe you missed the basket nine times out of 10 the last time you stepped onto the court. Maybe sports just don’t interest you. There is some reason why you aren’t on a sports team this season.Fortunately, there are a lot of activities you can enjoy that give you the benefits of playing a sport that don’t require stepping in front of a 6-foot-4 lineman:

    1. Explore yoga

    Your friends on the lacrosse team will be getting a healthy amount of exercise that you’ll be missing. The health benefits of daily exertion are huge, and you don’t want to become a couch potato.

    One great form of exercise is yoga. While much less aggressive than typical sports, it can be just as intense and strenuous. The benefits have been well documented and can help you stay in great shape. It can also help with the stress of the college process.

    2. Get an internship

    One of the benefits of being on a sports team is that you learn skills relevant to life. Going to practice every day teaches commitment and responsibility. Executing drills and competing with other teams teaches how to work well with others.

    Another way to learn those skills: an internship. You’ll learn how to be an effective team player and work with colleagues towards a common objective. In addition, you can be sure the work will be less physically taxing. That is, unless your boss keeps sending you to grab the office coffee at the Starbucks down the road.

    [Contemplating a job vs. internship? The TeenLife experts already beat you to it!]

    3. Get a band together

    You don’t need to be the next Bon Jovi or Colorado Quartet, but getting a group of friends together to play some music can be fun if you’re already learning to play an instrument on your own.

    Writing music, orchestrating, or just playing together will teach you teamwork. And, performance is a great way to show off your skills and learn poise.

    4. Explore your artistic side

    If you like painting or another one of the creative arts, the hours between your last class and dinner are a perfect time to dive in.

    Google some beautiful locations in your area and take your easel, brushes, and paint. Check with local potters or other craftspeople to see if they might take on an apprentice. Check local museums for classes or workshops.

    This can be great exercise for your mind, and you’ll have something to add to your portfolio for college applications.

    5. Help somebody else

    Lots of local organizations could use volunteer help on weekday afternoons. Your local family shelter might need after-school babysittters. The library might need homework tutors. The council on aging might need help with meals. And you’ll get a bonus in adding to your community service hours or discovering a new interest.

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