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    The Best of the Grammys

    Posted January 30, 2014, 7:58 pm by Elizabeth Suneby
    The Best of the Grammys

    My daughter and I watched the 2014 Grammys together. While a friend aptly labeled the performance, “Too much of a good thing,” we:

    • Were mesmerized by the glam and glitter.
    • Loved many pairings of old and new, like Carol King and Sara Bareilles.
    • Cheered for Lorde and Macklemore & Ryan Lewis.
    • Gasped at Beyonce’s outfit and post-baby body.
    • Giggled at Pharrell’s hats.
    • Marveled at Pink’s acrobatics.
    • Coveted Taylor Swift’s dresses.

    But you’ll never guess what grabbed us above all else. The advertisement for Microsoft’s search engine, Bing: “Celebrating the Women of 2013.” I am happy to report that my daughter and I were more moved and impressed by the 10 women aptly showcased to Sara Bareilles’ song “Brave,” than all the talented stars on stage.

    I worked in corporate America as a marketing executive, and I understand Microsoft’s goal of getting more eyeballs to their search site, but even better is when the result is learning about inspirational women who are the true stars of 2013.

    These 10 women’s’ contributions to society range from life-long pursuits to heroic responses to pivotal life-changing events:

    • Malala Yousafzai – Pakistani student shot by the Taliban who still advocates for education for all girls.
    • Margaret Thatcher – First and only woman prime minister of Great Britain who paved the way for women in politics.
    • Adrienne Haslet-Davis – Ballroom dancer and Boston Marathon bombing victim who vows to dance again and run the 2014 Marathon with a prosthetic leg.
    • Gabrielle Giffords – Former U.S. Representative and victim of gun violence who fights tirelessly for gun safety regulations.
    • Diana Nyad – At 64 years old is the first person to swim from Havana to Key West unassisted and without a shark cage.
    • Janet Yellen – First woman to Chair the Board of Governor’s of the Federal Reserve.
    • Antoinette Tuff – A school staff member who compassionately talked a gunman into surrendering peacefully.
    • Angela Merkel – First woman Chancellor of Germany and leader of the Christian Democratic Union who lead her party to an historic 3rd term victory.
    • Edith Windsor – Victorious plaintiff in the landmark Supreme Court case restricting the U.S. Federal interpretation of “marriage” and “spouse” to apply only to heterosexual unions.
    • Deb Cohan – Courageous doctor and cancer patient who led her surgical team in a dance party before her double mastectomy surgery.

    These are the role models I want my daughter and me to cheer for, marvel at, covet, and love. Any other women you think should be added to the list of true role models to share with our daughters? Please send them along.

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    Elizabeth Suneby

    Elizabeth Suneby

    Liz Suneby is the author of books for children and teens, including “The Mitzvah Project Book: Making Mitzvah Part of Your Bar/Bat Mitzvah” and “Your Life”, published by Jewish Lights, and the Children’s Choice award-winning “See What You Can Be: Explore Careers That Could Be For You.”
